Teaching Early Signs of the Apostasy

There is way more info than you will probably need. Again, I used clear, 9 oz. cups, taped the info on the inside (They stack nicely, are protected better, and are easy to update - Apostle pictures - as they change.) You may want to simply the info (especially how the first 12 apostles died which may not be appropriate for Primary children) and just include the names of the original 12 apostles (Matthew, Thomas, etc.) On each of the first apostles cup (on the other side of the same cup) I taped a picture of a current apostle. They should be ok, but let me know if you catch an error on any of these!

When I set these up, I would explain this is way Christ set up his church.

1. Jesus Christ (John 14:6)

2. Prophets (Eph. 4:11) Continuous revelation (Amos 3:7)

3. Apostles (Eph. 4:11)

Peter was crucified head down in Rome, 66 A.D.

4. Andrew was stoned to death. He preached until his death.

5. James son of Zebedee, was beheaded in Jerusalem by the sword (Acts 12:1-9)

6. John was banished to the Isle of Patmos 96 A.D. (Rev. 1-9)

7. Phillip was crucified at Heirapole Phrygn, 52 A.D.

8. Bartholomew was beaten, crucified and beheaded by command of a kind, 52 A.D.

9. Thomas was run through by a lance at Corehandal, East Indies, 52 A.D.

10. Matthew was slain by the sword in the city of Ethiopia, about 60 A.D.

11. James, son of Alphaeus, was thrown from the pinnacle, then beaten to death 60 A.D.

12. Thaddaeus was shot to death by arrows, 72 A.D.

13. Simon was crucified in Persia, 74 A.D.

14. Judas Iscariot committed suicide by hanging himself 34 A.D. (Acts 1:18)

15. Men called of God “as was Aaron.

Authority in the Priesthood (Heb. 5:4)

16. A lay clergy (Matthew 10:8)

17. Deacons (Phil 1:1)

18. Teachers (Eph 4:11)

19. Priests (Acts 6:7, Luke 1:8)

20. Bishops (Phil 1:1)

21. Elders (Acts 14:23)

22. Seventies (Luke 10:1)

23. High Priests (Heb 5:1)

24. Evangelists or Patriarchs (Eph. 4:11)

25. Members called Saints (Eph. 2:19)

26. Church named after Christ

(Acts 4:12, Heb 12:23)

27. Belief in a personal godhead

(Heb 1:1-3, Matt. 28:19)

28. Faith (Heb 11:1-6)

29. Repentance (Acts 2:38)

30. Baptism by immersion (Matt 3:16)

31. Gifts of Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38)

Gifts of Holy Spirit (1 Cor:12)

32. Keep Sabbath day holy (Gen 2:2, Exo 20:8)

33. Additional scripture (Ezek 37:16-17)

34. Temples (Rev 7:15)

Sealing power (Matt 16:19, 2 Cor 1:22)

(To double purpose the cups, I taped the biblical reference (i.e. 33. Additional scripture) on one side and religion history on the other (i.e. Baptist church)

Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Founded on the beliefs of William Miller in 1863 as a breakaway group from the Baptist Church

Reason: Sabbath should be on the seventh day

Main Tenet: Observe the Sabbath on Saturday and Christ will return in person in latter-days.

Church of England
(Anglican, Episcopal)

Founded by King Henry VIII in 1534 as a breakaway group from the Roman Catholic Church

Reason: Henry refused to recognize the authority of the pope who would not dissolve his marriage to Catherin of Aragon

Main tenet: Belief in the Nicine Creed (A.D. 325) and Bishops to be independent of Rome

Pentecostal Church

Protestant denomination founded by Charles Fox Parkam in 1901

Reason: Religious revival required before end of the world

Main Tenet: Christians should experience baptism in the Holy Spirit, manifested by speaking in tongues.

Presbyterian Church
(Reformed Church)

Protestant denomination founded on the belief of John Calvin in 1560 as a breakaway group from the Roman Catholic Church

Reason: Congregations should be governed by boards of elders and not a pope

Main tenet: Bible is the final authority and the local lay elders govern the church.

Roman Catholic Church

Founded in 1054 after a split between the Eastern and Western Christian churches

Reason: Acknowledgment by the Western Church of the primacy of the Bishop of Rome

Main Tenet: Belief in the Nicine Creed (A.D. 325) and that the pope is successor of the apostle Peter

Lutheran Church

Protestant denomination founded on the beliefs of Martin Luther in 1526 as a breakaway group from the Roman Catholic Church

Reason: Denied the supremacy of the Pope

Main Tenet: People can be saved only by faith in Jesus Christ…rather than by works

Baptist Church

Protestant denomination founded by Smyth in 1611 as a breakaway group from the Church of England

Reason: opposed baptism of infants

Main tenet: Baptism should be by immersion following voluntary declaration of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior

Methodist Church

Protestant denomination founded by John Wesley in 1784 as a breakaway group from the Church of England

Reason: Anglican clergy opposed Methodist lay preachers

Main Tenet: Live a disciplined Christian life according to the method laid down in the Bible

Information 06/25/2023

The time has come for me to be honest with myself,  that I just can't keep up with this site any more. I am working full time now and loving on my grandkids.  I will still be adding great quotes I find and things from General conference etc. Never fear, I am still here for you. If you need something please reach out to me, and I will See what I can do. You can reach me at theideadoor@gmail.com

Thanks for your understanding! Liz from the Idea Door

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