pdfvisiting_teaching_tune-up_check.pdf61.25 KB

Name:  ________________________________________

Companion: _____________________________________

Sisters you visit teach: ____________________________
Day or Night Route: _______________________________

How is your Spark?


1. Do you make a contact each month by visit, phone call, or card? ٱ yes ٱ no


2. Do you present the message whenever possible?

ٱ yes ٱ no


3. Do you have anyone that will not let you visit them?

ٱ yes ٱ no     If yes, please specify.   ____________


4. Do you go with your companion?

ٱ yes ٱ no     If no, please explain.  ______________


5. Do you call your supervisor after you make your visits?

ٱ yes ٱ no




How is your Oil?

1. Do you feel your visits are going smoothly?

ٱ yes ٱ no


2. Are you and your companion getting along? ٱ yes ٱ no

If no, what are the problems?  ___________________
___________________________________________        ___________________________________________        ___________________________________________        ___________________________________________


3. Are there any concerns or problems that you need to discuss with a member of the RS Presidency regarding you or the sisters you visit? ٱ yes ٱ no   If you answer “yes”, we will contact you.



How is your Tire Pressure?


1. Do your visiting teachers visit you? ٱ yes ٱ no


2. Do you feel comfortable with your visiting teachers?

ٱ yes ٱ no


3. Can you name two or three sisters you would like to get to know better? ٱ yes ٱ no   __________________



How is your Fuel?


1. Do you have prayer before you do your visiting teaching?

ٱ yes ٱ no


2. Do you study the lesson so you are prepared?

ٱ yes ٱ no



Trouble Shooting

1. Do you have any specific comments or suggestions?

ٱ yes ٱ no

___________________________________________        ___________________________________________        ___________________________________________        ___________________________________________

Information 06/25/2023

The time has come for me to be honest with myself,  that I just can't keep up with this site any more. I am working full time now and loving on my grandkids.  I will still be adding great quotes I find and things from General conference etc. Never fear, I am still here for you. If you need something please reach out to me, and I will See what I can do. You can reach me at

Thanks for your understanding! Liz from the Idea Door

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