It comes from a book entitled How to Make an LDS Quiet Book by Ann F. Pritt and was published by Deseret Book Company in 1974 the copyright is listed as 1968 by Deseret Book Company

Ann has contacted me!  What a wonderful lady, she has told me that I can offer her book to all of you and she also gave some wonderful advice. She said:

“You have my permission to offer the pattern. I developed the Quiet Book at a time when quiet books were being made by many mothers and brought to church, but none had a religious theme. The purpose of mine was to combine religious stories with skill-building and interest that would help little children be quiet in church.

Velcro is simpler than snaps or buttons, but including a variety of fasteners such as snaps, buttons, zippers, etc can strengthen small muscle development and build confidence, competence, and self-esteem. It is good to include other skills as well such as braiding (Ruth’s hair), weaving (tower of Babel), lacing and tying a bow (Moses in the Bulrushes), and telling time. Enjoy!”


When I made mine, I added other page! You can just use your own clipart to make this. I had some sisters use coloring book pages. Once you start looking around you will find a ton of stuff! click here to see pictures of mine

lds quiet book by ann f. pritt.pdf


docinstructions.doc22.5 KB

pdfquiet book pattern.pdf4.16 MB

This file is from Ann, and is the actually book, she scanned it and sent it to me. It has the actual instructions and pictures

pdflds quiet book by ann f. pritt.pdf14.71 MB

Here are some notes from another Sister who put one together:

I have attached a copy of the pages and their matching cutout patterns. Unfortunately I do not have a photo of the finished pages (didn’t think about it before giving the book away many years ago) or instructions but I will describe them as best as I can.

The Parting of the Red Sea has two dark blue panels that close with a hook and eye. I drew in faces and hair on the people and the dog.

Lehi’s Voyage has a boat that moves around on buttons. The sail is white felt and the boat is brown felt.

The notebook and pencil pockets I made from red felt. The flap can be hooked with a snap, velcro, or button, or can be left off if you want to.
The other three I did not make but here is what others did as best as I can remember.

Tithing has snaps for coins made from grey felt.
Money Bag was made from cotton fabric, gathered at the bottom and tied at the top with ribbon. It is a good place for the tithing coins.

Susie’s Prayers I’m really not sure about. I think the arms and legs were put on with paper fasteners so that they moved and could be posed and she may have been held on the page by velcro. The other option is that each piece had velcro and could be placed individually on the page. The dress is blue and her hair is yellow.
Some of the things I did on the other pages that differ from yours is: I used fake fur for the lion’s mane, the “cage” was made from clear plastic table runner you can get by the yard from the craft store, and for the ark I found some small animals at the craft store that might have been in the cake decorating section.

When I made patterns for the cutouts I used very lightweight interfacing so that they could be used over and over again without wearing out.
Finally, in your picture of Moroni and the Gold Plates you have added a pocket and have something in it, but I cannot quite make out what it is.

Making the pages with muslin:

Cut six rectangles of fabric 24″ x 12″. This will make 12 finished activity pages. Trace the back side of each pattern with a tracing pencil and iron onto the fabric, two per sheet. Using a permanent marker draw in the lines on the fabric. OR, It is possible, if the fabric is translucent enough or by using a light box, to trace the pattern directly onto the fabric bypassing the transfer pencil step.

Color all the pictures with crayons, then place the pages between absorbent paper (newsprint or brown paper) and iron on low heat.  This will remove the wax from the crayoned pictures and set the color.

When all the pages are completely finished, place two each of the rectangles together face to face, you will end up with three sets of pages. Sew around the edge using a 5/8″ seam allowance and leave an opening along one edge for turning right side out. Once turned right side out, pull seam to edge and top stitch 1/8″ from edge all the way around including the opening.

Cut a 24″x12″ cover from heavy material. I used a piece of flannel lined vinyl tablecloth fabric. Stack pages together on top of the cover with vinyl side facing down and stitch vertically down the center of 24″ length. Fold along seam and you should now have six double sided pages with the cover on the outside. Top stitch 1/2 inch along the folded edge of the book.

There are patterns for 22 possible activity pages and should you wish to make more than 12 activity pages in the book, you should increase them in sets of four.






About 4 yards of heavyweight Pellon

Fabric for Cover

Miscellaneous colored felt pieces

Lightweight iron-on pellon (for reinforcing felt pieces)


Fine and Ultra-fine permanent markers

Craft glue


Paper-fastener, shoelace, snaps, ribbon, buttons, small plastic compass, zipper…

Clear plastic (zip-lock freezer bag is okay)

Ring fasteners


Pellon Pages:

Cut eight pellon in pieces 25 ½ inches long x 11 inches wide.

Fold and press into thirds, forming pages 8 ½ x 11 inches.  One end will be folded into the middle so it forms and extra layer of fabric between the front and back of the page.


Making the pictures:

Print out all the patterns and simply trace them through the pellon using a black permanent marker.


Color all the pictures with crayons, then place the pages between absorbent paper (newsprint or brown paper) and iron on low heat.  This will remove the wax from the crayoned pictures and set the color.


Use your imagination and creativity to cut and add felt pieces, buttons, ribbon, etc.

I like to reinforce all the felt pieces with lightweight iron-on pellon before cutting them out.  This step takes a lot of time!  Be patient and work on it a little at a time.


When all the pages are completely finished, fold into thirds and stitch ¼ inch all around the edges.


Make the cover:


Use any type of heavyweight fabric that you have on hand.  OR you can make another pair of pellon pages.  Decorate the cover to your liking…


Put together with ring fasteners.  If available, it is good to reinforce the holes with metal grommets.





Miscellaneous instructions for individual pages:

Some of these pictures indicate the use of snaps to attach pieces.  Velcro is much simpler.  I used snaps on one page for variety (Three Wise Men).  Glue an extra layer of felt over the first to hide your stitches when you sew on snaps.


Noah’s Ark: An alternative to small plastic animals—I found a pack of “Go Fish” cards at a dollar store with animals on them and put a few pairs in the pocket.


Daniel: This is a pocket made with clear plastic (I used a double layer of heavy plastic bag—tricky to sew, but manageable.)  Use magic marker to draw “prison bars” on the plastic.  The angel, lion, and Daniel are sewn as finger puppets.

Jonah: The picture shows Jonah attached to a piece of elastic—not really necessary.  You can also leave off the zipper and just cut a slit for the mouth.


Sequins glued or sewn onto the Wise Men’s gifts is a nice addition.


Peter’s net: I used a piece of lace from an old curtain.  Cut it wide, gather at the bottom and a little elastic on the top makes a nice bag for the fish.  Use a variety of colorful buttons.


The Liahona has a small compass glued to the center (dollar store or children’s party favors).