Quiet Book to sew idea

I based this book off the one by Ann F. Pritt and one that we had growing up, I like the cover my mom had, so I made the same kind, she had snaps to hold it closed but I put the big buttons, I did not sew my pages in, because I wanted to be able to change the pages and add more when ever I wanted. I made up the way I hooked them in, I am sure someone knows of a better way, but the second picture kind of shows you how I hooked them in! We made these at an enrichment activity, so everyone did different pages, some used the patter that Ann F Pritt supplied. Some used pages from coloring books they had, some just made it up. The very last picture is of a pocket, my mom had that page in hers, It can hold paper, small books, pencils, crayons etc. She had a zipper in hers, but I am lazy and did not put a zipper in it to hold things in the pocket, should have, but didn’t.

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