The Temple is Centered in the Savior

Everything in the temple points us to Jesus Christ. As we participate in temple ordinances, we are assured that He is mindful of us. He is involved in our lives and He is dedicated to our eternal happiness. His presence can be felt as we strive to follow Him in our daily lives. As we draw closer to the Savior, we learn more about Him. His life provides a perfect pattern of righteousness and happiness for all of us.

In the scriptures, many names and titles are used when referring to the Savior (Christ, names of in the Bible Dictionary). These designations help us understand His divinity, His character, His mission, and His love for all humanity. We may also begin to see a connection between the temple and the Savior’s desire to bless us individually and in our families.

Please note that the church is always updating and changing the lessons, please make sure you check the web site for new lessons added or ones that might be taken away.

Images and art work are from the following:

  • Goggle searches

Images are 4x6 so they can be printed easily, there are also PDF files to print from

Come Follow Me Handouts for YW