A little about me!

Photo Nov 07 5 59 19 PMHi, and welcome to The Idea Door, my name is Liz. I grew up in Utah, well I moved there when I was 5. After I got married we moved to Arizona, which I love (well ask me anytime except about August and September that is when I don’t like it all that much). I am married to my best friend and have 4 wonderful kids. I have been a member of this great and wonderful church all my life. The church brings great blessing into my life. I have served in many calls, such as Primary, Young Women, Cub Scouts, Achievement Days, Nursery, on the Activities Committee, Relief Society, Sunday School Teacher, I guess pretty much everywhere. During these times I have come up with different ideas and activities and I wanted to share them with others. So, presto this web site was born.


I started my first web site oh, probably in 2000, it was very small – maybe 4 pages. Now, I have well over 3500 pages and well over 8200 files, which are files that you can print and it is still growing. I started it for two reasons: one, to share pictures with my family and friends who did not live by my family; and two, to share ideas with others who are LDS like me, but I do have things on this site that can help anyone.


I have never charged for this web site and never will, I enjoy doing it and know that there are many people all over the world who can benefit from things that are on this site.


To help cover my cost for this site, I have placed adds on the site, with a site this big and the as many hits I get in a day there is a large cost to run this, I wanted to keep it free for everyone!


What a wonderful church we belong to, we are a world wide church, with so many different kinds of people in it. Now, with the Internet we are able to meet one another, help one another and learn from one another. My goal with this web site is to bring ideas to all those members that can use them. Although the only language I speak is English, I do have a few things up in a few other languages. If you see a printable you would like in another language, just email me the info and I can cut and paste it in and send it to you, like in a bookmark, baptism book, stickers or anything you might need.


If you have an idea you would like to share, just email me and I will post it for all to read! May God bless all of you!

I hope you enjoy and find something on this web site useful. If you have an idea and would like to share, please email me!

Have a great day!
