vt tuneup_postcard_2_sm

Another name used: Come as you are and stay in the car

Basically they drive up one of the presidency jumps in they do the interview and she drives away. Bring the kids, bring the dog, come in your pajamas kind of thing.

This idea was shared by Linda Skeen -Thanks Linda


This is based off an idea I read on the RS email list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Relief_Society-L

Appointment Sign Ups:

  • When we sent the sign-ups around we only said they would just have to drive up to the church and wouldn’t have to get out of their cars.
  • Most of the sisters thought we were only kidding and laughed when they pulled up and realized we were serious!



  • I made one that looks like the reminder you get in the mail that your car needs a oil change.

Set Up In the Parking Lot:

Ideas from RS email list.

  • At the church we set up 3 “lanes” with cones and signs, when the sisters pulled up we gave them a clip board with the questionaire to fill out (although we did change a few of the questions for our needs) and washed their windows while we waited for them. See questionaire click here
  • EVERY sister laughed when we pulled out the squee-gees!
  • We had candy and a picture to color and old crayons (ones we didn’t need back) for the kids.

Visiting Teaching Warranty:

Herer are some ideas for this area:
From the RS email list:

After the sisters were done we gave them a folder (an 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock folded in half lengthwise) that said “Visiting Teaching Warranty” that had a

1.copy of a recent lesson I gave on “Forgiveness and being Slow to Take Offense”
2.some quotes
3.a talk by Sister Smoot
4.the article “For such a time as this” from the Jan. 2002 Ensign, outlining the new VT teaching messages

Little Memento:

Give them a sticker to put on their car windshield like you get when you get your oil changed.

From the idea post on the RS email list: Then we gave each sister a small baggie of bath salts, with instructions to later that night, they were to take a nice long bath and read their “warranty”.

The sister’s were so pleased with the simplicity of it all and will always remember us serving them- I only had one older sister who was really taken off guard, and really wanted a sit-down interview, which we worked out, and by the end she even appreciated what we were doing.