I decided I needed to make a Family Rules Subway Art for my home, and then I went crazy and am making more subway art!!

I thought some others might like to download them also!

The images are all size for an 8 x 10, I have printed a 11 x 14 and 16 x 20 I do have one that is size to 20 x 30, it just trims the images a bit.

We ended up using it for a RS Craft Day. See directions below for Craft

 Here is a preview of just some of the subway art I offer

Photo Nov 21 6 01 51 AM

Primary Songs Subway Art

Right now I just have 5x7's I will add other sizes later View and download here ...

Easter Subway Art

I have these few Easter Subway Art. I have them as 8x10 images and also are available as PDF's View ...

America, America Subway Art

These are sized as 8×10’s but can be printed as large as 16×20’s [ddownload id=”14227″] Helpful Pages ...


Graduation Subway Art

  Graduation Subway Art   The images are all size for an 8 x 10, I have printed a 11 ...

What I love most - Page 5 sm

What I Love Most About My Home Is Who I Share It With

These are SIZED AS 8×10 Helpful Pages [ddownload id="13545"] ...

Wonderful time Christs Birth sm

Wonderful time of the year…. Christs Birth

Wonderful time of the year…. Christ’s Birth Here is a printable I put together. it is sized as a 8×10 ...

fall subway art fall sm

Fall Subway Art

Download here: fall subway art fall.jpg7.92 MB ...

Baby Shower Printables

Here are some printables I made up for a shower I helped with……. sorry I just have baby girls stuff ...

Baby Girl Subway sm

Baby Subway Art

Sized – 8 x 10 Subway Art Helpful links: Sized - 8 x 10 Subway Art Baby Girl Subway.jpg6.91 MB ...

I Am a Child of God Subway Art

Here is another subway art I have put together, we are having a Fundraiser in our Ward for Girls Camp, ...

Mr Mrs Subway 8 x10 g sm

MR & MRS Subway Art

MR & MRS Subway Art These images are sized as 8 x 10. They could make a great gift, just ...

Valentines Subway Art sm

Valentines Subway Art

Valentines Subway Art Helpful links: {module Helpful Pages!} Download subway art here: valentines subway art.jpg6.54 MB ...

Subway art Family rules spanish antique sm

Family Rules Subway Art in Spanish

Family Rules Subway Art in Spanish Thanks to Dilcia Jaimes for sending me the “Rules” in Spanish! Enjoy! To find ...

Photo Nov 21 6 01 51 AM

LDS Hymns Subway Art

The images are all size for an 5x7, 8 x 10, I have printed a 11 x 14 and 16 ...

Choose the Right Subway Art Green 4 x 6 sm

Choose the Right Subway Art

All are sized to be a 8 x 10 or 4 x 6 photo. But they can be printed larger ...

july subway art white sm

July Subway Art

Helpful links: {module Helpful Pages!} {phocadownload view=file|id=76|target=s} {phocadownload view=file|id=77|target=s} {phocadownload view=file|id=78|target=s} ...


Family Rules Subway Art – Printable

To find out about how to make this click here The resolution for these images are 4777 x 6120 (but ...


Kitchen Subway Art

Kitchen Subway Art I needed something for above my cabints, so I made this. I made it in a 20 ...

christmas subway art 3 sm

Christmas Subway Art

All are sized to be a 8 x 10. But they can be printed larger or smaller. You can download ...

Spring Subway Art 2sm

Spring Subway Art

The images are all size for an 8 x 10, I have printed a 11 x 14 and 16 x ...


The resolution for these images are 4777 x 6120 (but the best print I got out if was a 16 x 20)


I sent the prints to Sam's Club it costs me under $6.00 to have the 16 x 20 print printed, I then took a board (I had left over from a unfinished RS Craft day project 🙂 - anyone else have any of those??) You could just add your print to a frame and be done (see picture above)


Just use good old craft paint

Wood or Canvas Frame

hanging family rules smWOOD: Painted the board black- it was MDF, if you took a 4 x 8 sheet of the MDF plywood and but it to the size I show in my project, you could get 10 board out of one sheet, which is about $2.20 plus per board. you can cut the board shorter if you don't want the wholes for a ribbon. Otherwise drill house before painting.


CANVAS FRAME: you can buy these has a craft store, use your discount coupon and get a 16 x 20 for
just a few dollars.

you just paint the edges just the same and use Mod Podge to glue it on, don't forget you can make it out of water and Elmers glue! (see below)

Mod Podge:

I used the stuff you buy at the craft store, after painting the board black and letting it dry I painted a coat of Mod Podge to the board, then place the photo print on the board (I just eye balled it, but if you worry make some markings before, of where to put the edge of the photo.

I rubbed the photo make sure all the bubbles where out. Then added another coat of Mod Podge.(Mod Podge is crazy expensive. Make it yourself.)

Let dry and done!!! You could sand the edges a bit if you wanted.

Add ribbon and your done.