These pages were put together when the Cub Scout program was still active in our church.. So some of it may have reference to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Butt lots of it can be used with for any Cub Scout group.

Scouting for boys 8 through 10 is a learning, happy, fun-filled home-centered, activity cubsprogram. Parental involvement and help is the key to success in this program. The Church does not sponsor Scouting for boys younger than 8. Boys advance on their birthdays. No overnight camping for Cub Scouts is approved by the Church.

Some of my thoughts:
I have spent many hours in Cubs and Primary, so I have come up with many different thing, I was hoping that someone else could use and enjoy some of our idea's! Or at least give you some idea's!
We have a Cub Book that we give to each boy as they enter the cub program, it is in a 1"  3 ring white binder, we use the kind that has the plastic sheet on the front that you can put a paper in it to make the front cover, when I give it to them the top one is for cubs, but behind it is the one for Boy Scouts, when they enter the Boy Scout program at 11 they can change the front, on the side it say's Scouts and at the bottom is their name.
This book is really good for people who no nothing about the Scout program, it gives the basic steps of the cub and scout programs, and some helps, also included is a copy of the record sheet for each den in the cub part, so the parents can see it and use it if they want!
In the back of the book I put an extra pocket and a plastic baseball card holders sheet, this is just the right size to hold the cards that the pins and badges come on, this is a great way to keep record and proof of receiving these awards.
This is the one book they need for all their years in Scouts, the can keep all the info they need, papers they get, and have it all in one place. I have included even a basic Eagle Project Packet.
If you have any questions or ideas of things to add to this, please E-mail me! Thanks

New Delivery Method

Welcome to the most recent evolution of Cub Scouts!

The change for Cub Scouts is a piloted and successful method of delivering the existing Cub Scout program that is handbook-based and focuses on den activities leading to youth advancement and higher retention. The Overview includes information on the pilot, its results, what changes and how the changes benefit the Scouting community.

Preview the new Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide through this tutorial video.

The change is supported by a new leader resource, the Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide. This new resource contains all the information a den leader or Cubmaster needs to deliver the planned program.

For more information, see the Resources and Frequently Asked Questions

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