Magic Water
Idea from Jody Roberts -THANKS

Our Chorister in Primary is great and really comes up with some good stuff. One of the kids favorites is the magic water. She takes clear plastic cups and fills some of them with water and just a couple with vinegar. Then, next to each cup is a plastic spoon with “magic potion” (couple drops of food coloring with a spoon full of baking soda on top, except the spoons next to the vinegar have no food coloring). Then the kids get to choose a cup. The place the spoon in the liquid and stir. The cups with water will turn the color of the food coloring under the baking soda. Then you sing the song that is written with the corresponding color. The cups with vinegar will bubble and over flow (so this should be done on a cookie sheet with a lip) and the kids get to choose a favorite song to sing. The kids love it!!