Cookie Making Name That Tune

Thanks to Sabrina Bonn for this fun idea

I told the kids that I went shopping to make cookies and brought in ingredients for them to help me make the cookie dough.  I brought all kinds of things out of the fridge and cupboard like BBQ sauce, tobaccos, sugar, flour, chocolate chips, vinegar (to name a few).  Things “good” and “bad” to add into this big mixing bowl and then told the kids that by closing exercises I would have the cookies made and then we could all have one. 


In order to put an ingredient into the bowl they had to “name that tune”.  If they named it correctly they could put in a “good” ingredient but if they named it incorrectly they had to chose a “bad” ingredient to add.  It was fun but really gross and smelly.  The kids got a big kick out of it and I had one that would chose wrong on purpose so that he could get a smelly ingredient to add.  It was fun to stir the goop and I had the kids stooped on how I was going to bake all of these cookies by the end of church.  Of course I made plenty the night before and we enjoyed “good” cookies before we went home.