
This was shared by the Pecan Creek Ward, Queen Creek AZ East Stake


We did a very easy and fun activity in February centered on Love, but it could be used any time of year.  We also had a HUGE primary at the time – 240 kids.  Thankfully we split  a month later.

We divided the kids into 4 groups/rooms:  Love your Neighbor, Love your Family, Love Yourself, and Love the Savior.

In Love Your Neighbor, the kids played Pictionary on the chalkboard.  We had a list of different things they could do to serve their neighbor (Take them dinner, mow the lawn, water the plants, etc) Older kids did the drawing.

In Love Your Family, the kids colored a service coupon book.  The idea was to do an act of service, secretly, and then leave behind the coupon.  For example, one had a picture of a bed on it and read, “I made your bed for you because I love you.”

In Love Yourself, the kids decorated and ate a heart shaped cookie.  This was done outside.

In Love the Savior, we told/acted out the story “My Friend Linda” (Heidi Renouf Brisco, “My Friend Linda,” Friend, Feb. 2006, 36).  The kids discussed ways that they could show love to the Savior.  There are probably a ton of different stories or things you could do in this room to teach ‘Love for the Savior’

The best thing we did for this activity was to mix the age groups.  That way we had kids that could actually draw for the Pictionary game and the big ones helped the little ones decorate the cookies.