I have had several ask if I can put up a editable file of these stickers, the answer is yes and no, reason is, I could put it up but I use a software called Printmaster, most don’t have it or have even heard of it. So putting the editable file of the stickers up will not help, since you will not be able to open it.

This page hold all generic versions of “reminders” but every year I do also put of reminders based on the Primary Theme. Look for those in the Primary sections under this years theme. I always try to also include a direct link below too.

I do make them for every years theme, with the scipture etc on them, just checking out the main Primary Page and then click on this year and you will find them listed there.


Reminder Stickers

Here is the info on using stickers:

These are stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer, talk or scripture during primary, we also have stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new children or visitors etc.
I print them out on 2×4 shipping labels, which I buy at places like Staples or Office Max, Office Max has there own brand which makes them even cheaper, it is number #86111, and they come in 10 labels per sheets with 25 sheets, so you get 250 labels, for about $9.00, but you can buy more in bulk and pay cheaper!

These are in PDF format, ready to print on labels

NOTICE!! When printing a PDF file on to stickers, labels or CD labels:
* When you click print what does the “Page Scaling” say?? I have been looking in to this a little more, people have told me that the are not fitting/printing right to the paper, you will need make sure that the “Page scaling” say “NONE”, I print in that, when I printed in “fit to printer margins” it was off!! So try this and it should print right!!

 Generic Reminder Stickers

[ddownload id=”13801″]

talk sticker cl talk sticker cl
 pdfreminders sticker cl 1.pdf211.13 KB  pdfreminders sticker cl prayer.pdf216.01 KB
talk sticker cl talk sticker cl
 pdfreminders sticker cl scritpture.pdf218.07 KB reminders sticker cl talk.pdf212.73 KB

 Assignment Reminders – Postcard size

[ddownload id=”13803″]

talk BW talk BW
 pdfprayerassigmentpostcard.pdf161.91 KB  pdfprayerassigmentpostcardcl.pdf197.16 KB
talk BW
talk BW
 pdfscriptureassigmentpostcard.pdf85.26 KB  pdfscriptureassigmentpostcardcl.pdf105.64 KB
talk BW
talk BW
talk BW
talk BW
 pdftalkassigmentpostcardcl.pdf154.01 KB  pdftalkassigmentpostcard.pdf120.76 KB

 Assignment Reminder Wrist Bands

Here is another idea for reminders on giving talks, pray and scriptures, you can run these off on colored paper, cut then up, then fill them out, then you can use tape or a stapler and put these on the child’s wrist.

[ddownload id=”13804″]

prayer set1

 pdfassignment wrist bands.pdf440.79 KB

I had a request for one for a Reverence Child, so here it is!

reverance child wb
 pdfassignment wrist bands2.pdf22.54 MB

Here is a wrist band for assigning a Article of Faith

aof wb
 pdfa of f assignment wrist bands.pdf123.46 KB