Talk - Avery 5163 girl


These are stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer, talk or scripture during primary, we also have stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new children or visitors etc.

I print them out on 2×4 shipping labels, which I buy at places like Staples or Office Max, Office Max has there own brand which makes them even cheaper, it is number #86111, and they come in 10 labels per sheets with 25 sheets, so you get 200 labels, for about $9.00, but you can buy more in bulk and pay cheaper!


These are in PDF format, ready to print on labels

NOTICE!! When printing a PDF file on to stickers, labels or CD labels:

  • When you click print what does the “Page Scaling” say?? I have been looking in to this a little more, people have told me that the are not fitting/printing right to the paper, you will need make sure that the “Page scaling” say “NONE”, I print in that, when I printed in “fit to printer margins” it was off!! So try this and it should print right!!


It’s time for some new stickers!!! I will leave some of the older one’s up. Just scroll down they are lower on the page

article of faith  Scripture
 pdfarticle of faith – Avery 5163.pdf232.72 KB  pdfScripture – Avery 5163.pdf3.96 MB
 Prayer - boy  Prayer - girl  Prayer - girl 2
 pdfPrayer – Avery 5163 boy.pdf215.32 KB  pdfPrayer – Avery 5163 girl.pdf255.92 KB  pdfPrayer – Avery 5163 girl 2.pdf236.9 KB
Talk - Avery 5163 boy Talk - Avery 5163 girl
pdfTalk – Avery 5163 boy.pdf242.58 KB pdfTalk – Avery 5163 girl.pdf200.84 KB
pdf Welcome to primary.pdf220.13 KB
birthday boy birthday girl
pdf birthday- Avery 5163 boy.pdf203.93 KB pdfbirthday- Avery 5163 girl.pdf311.85 KB

Gospel Standards
 pdfGospel Standards.pdf126.28 KB