Conducting ideas


Conducting Sheet

We found that having the conducting sheet on a clip board with a pencil hooked to it worked really well, we were never looking for a pencil to make notes, we could clip anything else that needed to be announced or we needed, right to the clip board, and never lose it. And things would not fall like in a folder.

Popsicle stick

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One other idea we’ve implemented is using a can that we’ve decorated and have a popsicle stick with each child’s name on it.  When we need a helper or someone to participate in singing time or sharing time all we have to do is draw a stick out.  It has eliminated kids getting antsy or overly eager to help since they know it will be their turn when their stick is drawn. shared by Tessa Palmer



We also kept the stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer. Talk or Scripture for us, we also had stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new kids or visitors. You can see them at this link CLICK HERE


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Another great thing we found that worked well in our Primary was the baskets of sticks. We used three baskets, one marked Scriptures, one marked Prayer and one marked Talks, then we put the names of all the kids in Primary, one set in each basket (we had a total of 6 baskets, 3 for JR and 3 for SR) I also color coded the ends of the sticks so we knew which basket they belonged in, then after one child gives a talk or prayer or the scripture they get to pick out of the basket who will be doing it for the next week. We then put the sticks in a bag (also marked with JR/prayer etc) to save and  be put back in when the basket gets low or is empty.  The kids LOVE doing it this way, the Secretary would also handout a reminder of what the child would be doing the next week! Printable reminders click here