She consults with the presidency to prepare agendas for presidency meetings. She attends these meetings, takes notes, and keeps track of assignments.
At least quarterly, she compiles attendance information, reviews it with the Primary president, and submits it to the ward clerk.
She ensures that the Primary president and ward executive secretary are aware of children who will soon be eligible for baptism and who will soon advance from Primary to the Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women.
She helps the Primary presidency prepare an annual budget and account for expenses.
She assists children, teachers, and parents as requested by the Primary presidency. For example, she may help monitor classes and maintain reverence during sharing time. She may also assign children to give talks in upcoming sharing times and inform the children’s parents of the assignments.
Spotlighting Children
Spotlighting Children This year we started a fun way of spotlighting the kids. This could be used with any theme. We call it "CTR Moments". Here's how it works: 1. At the beginning of the year we gave the parents a little letter asking them to write down any special times where their child made...
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We have three nursery's, I have put together three different plastic boxes together, and place it in each nursery every Sunday. This way every thing that the nursery leader might need will be right there right when they need it. Some of the things I put thing in the box are: ~ masking tape ~...
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A new year is coming
A new year is coming Here are some ideas to get ready for a new year, or setting up a new ward Primary! Teachers binders classroom box Bishopric 2nd Counselor The families Teachers binders In the beginning of each year (maybe at the teacher Improvement meeting!!!), you can give each teacher a ring binder with...
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Assignment Trackers

Just a few simple printable to help keep track of which Assignment a child has done. View and download all files here
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ATTENDENCE ROLL HOLDER In one of the wards I was in, someone made a Roll Holder It hung on the coat rack outside the Primary Door it had a pocket for each class, it would hold the roll, pencil, flyers and anything else that the teacher might need for that day. They could pick it...
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Prayer Tracker

Prayer Tracker {phocadownload view=file|id=7105|target=s}
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I was Caught Being Reverent Sticker

Here is a sticker you can print up and give to those kids in Primary you think are being extra good. The sticker can be the award, or you can give a small treat to anyone who gets the sticker. The Presidency's can pick the child or give one to each teacher and let them...
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Door Hangers and Reminder Cards

Door Hangers and Reminder Cards Prayer Reminders Friend, Jan. 2007 Remember to have family prayer. Kneel by the side of your bed for morning and night prayers. Fold your arms during a prayer. Close your eyes when a prayer is given. Don’t forget to ask Heavenly Father for a blessing on your food. Bow your...
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Stickers- Recognition for talk, prayer etc

Stickers These are stickers which we handed out to the kids after they gave the prayer, talk or scripture during primary, we also have stickers for those who had a birthday (along with the small birthday gift for them) or for new children or visitors etc. I print them out on 2x4 shipping labels, which...
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Assignment Reminders

I have had several ask if I can put up a editable file of these stickers, the answer is yes and no, reason is, I could put it up but I use a software called Printmaster, most don't have it or have even heard of it. So putting the editable file of the stickers up...
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Plan of Salvation – Used as quarterly activity
Plan of Salvation Here is a GREAT Primary Quarterly activity given to us by scrazy8 Thanks for sharing This is a Primary Quarterly Activity that we had a lot of fun doing. We had about 20 nonmember friends attend and everyone had a great time learning the Plan of Salvation. We met in the cultural...
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Choosing Sticks
Choosing Sticks To help me choose different children each week (without trying to remember whom I've picked and making sure I get everybody) I came up with Choosing Sticks. I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a box of 300 Jumbo Craft Sticks for about $3.00. I then used red paint to paint one end of...
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Primary Mail -reminders

Thanks to Amanda for sharing this super cute reminder idea!!! I have a website with printable Primary Mail reminders for Talk, Scripture, Prayer, and Article of Faith. Here is my url: Name: Amanda from Orem, UT
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Chair Covers and Chair Signs

Sorry I do not have a pattern for these, this is just the idea and pictures. Another thing I have used, is Printable Magnet Sheets, you can send them thought your computer and print pictures and writing on them and then cut them into strips our what ever shape you want and then you stick...
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Sample Primary Newsletter

Sample Primary Newsletter Here is a newsletter I put together for our Primary, this helps you get an idea of what you might do! You can open it in a pdf file or click on the picture to the right and it will open a bigger picture of it.
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Asking for help for Subs

The Primary needs someone to throw them a Life Preserver! Here are some printables that you can pass around in the Adult classes at church, when you need a Substitute, I read about this idea on a Primary List, I tried to find the name of the gal that gave this great idea, but I...
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Amazing Service candy bar wrapper

Here is a wrapper that fits around an M~Azing Candy bar (1.52 oz) There are two wrappers per page, They say; Thanks for your "Amazing" service in our ward. And on the back The Father gave His Son, and the Son gave His life, and we do not worship unless we give- give of our...
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