Here is a card I made up for my son who had a It's Great to be 8 party. He was the CTR 8 year old teacher (before his mission), and at the end of the year he had all the kids on his class come over and they played games, had a white elephant gift exchange, ate pizza and had cake, it was his way of having one big party for all of them in one shot!

He then handed out this card, it has the Baptismal Covenants and the Sacrament Prayer, he told them to put this card in their scriptures and always keep it with them, and then they can pull it out during the sacrament and read along so they won't miss the important things send in the prayers, and then the other side helps them remember the covenants they made when they got baptized and the promises Heavenly Father gives to us.

He also gave them a pack of gum that said "I am so proud of you for "chewzing" to make and keep Sacred Covenants" "Chewzing" to make and keep Sacred Covenants

Also check out our Sacrament Booklets they are 4 x 6 size cards that can be printed at a photo store- Baptism Book 4 x 6 Photo Cards

Or the Baptism Book here Baptism Booklets