I have a list of songs that I pick from when I sub for the music leader.

I try to do mostly songs from the Primary songbook, but the kids do love Teasing Mr. Crocodile and Insy Weensy Spider (with spider rings).

I have visuals for Teasing Mr. Crocodile that I printed from www.preschoolprintables.com They have a felt board story of it. I enlarged it to fit half a poster board and laminated all the pieces. I pick one child to be the crocodile and then let another pick a monkey off the tree.

I also made a big sun with a circle cut out it says “Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam” around it. I have a child hold it up the his face when we sing Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam.

I have made Popsicle sticks that have pictures of Mother, Father, Sister, Brother to use with “Happy Family”.

I have also used an old men’s tie and let one of the children wear it for “Daddy’s Homecoming” or “I hope they call me on a mission”.

I always try to have my song picking visual correspond to what they are learning about in class or something seasonal. ie.(Flowers, Pumpkins, Snowmen, Stars, Leaves.)

I have also used a Mr. Potato Head for picking songs. You could use it anytime of year, but it goes well with the I am thankful for eyes, hands, etc lessons. I let a child pick a piece out of a bag and put it on Mr. Potato Head. Then, we sing a song. The kids really love that one.

Another song game my kids like to play is “5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”. For this one I bought a 6 foot parachute from a school supply store. You can use a twin sheet instead. I have a stuffed animal monkey that we bounce on the parachute as we sing the song.
The monkey falls off a lot, but we just toss it back on and keep singing. This is also a great end of the day activity when you are waiting for parents to come.

I am going to have the kids play Pin the Tag on the Missionary for Sunday’s Lesson on “I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ”. You could use that for picking songs. Just make a bunch of tags, or cut the missionary into parts and have them build a missionary to pick songs. You can download the graphics from

Good Luck! You have a great calling! Music is one of my favorite
parts of nursery.

Lovin’ it in nursery,