About our Of Royal Birth Program

This evening was planned as an Additional Relief Society Meeting Evening, we planned it for all “women” 7 years and up, we chose this age so we would get the girls that were going to be baptized. So it was pretty much a mother / daughter evening, but we told everyone they could bring their Mothers, or daughters or granddaughters, we did not want sisters who did not have daughter to not come. This program is about being a Daughter of a King! We had a FANTASTIC turn out.

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This is what the invitation looked like, we folded it in thirds, and held it closed with a clear sticker ( address labels) and we printed on it, The Royal Women of the Smith’s (family name) Household

Download scroll here

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We gave out white handkerchiefs with a poem, this what not a “normal” hankie poem it was about having the hankie with you always. Not just for one to use at the temple. When you read the script you will get the idea. But I am sure any hankie poem would work, to see some hankie poems  click here. If you would like to read the poem that was written for this night click here

The program was set on the stage for better viewing, it was 8 different vignette, we tried to have the lighting so a spotlight was one each scene during it’s “presentation” time. Then at the end a light came on each vignette again so all areas where lit. I hope that makes since.

For the music, I pretty much got all the music from two sources, Deford Music and LDS Audio, I only ended up spending about $7.50 on music, then I had to edit it, to only have the verse we wanted to play and add longer prelude to it to play during the talking. I would be happy to share this anyone BUT, there are copyright issues, so if you are willing to buy the music needed and then let me know when you have bought it, I will share the edited sound track with you, now mind you, it is NOT that great of a job, maybe some of you could do better. But I don’t think anyone noticed, I even had one person ask were we go the CD, I guess they thought it was program we bought. I have two different sets of music, one which you can get almost totally free and one you need to pay around $7.50 for. The almost totally free one is ALL Sally Deford music, or off of LDS.org, the last song however you will have to purchase. Please remember that if you purchase music you can only burn ONE copy, since you only paid for one copy you can only burn it once, other wise you are violating copyright laws.

Click here for more info one music Of Royal Birth Music

Here are some great questions asked by others so I thought I would share as some of you might have these questions also!

  • <<Did you cue the music for each scene before, during or after the narrator and woman’s voice speak. In which order does each scene play out? Song, actor, narrator and woman’s voice? or is it different?>>
    • I was able to just let the CD run, but I was right there just in case I needed to stop it. The music is edited to run while they are talking, I added more intro music to make it last longer when needed.
    • All you really need to do is, start the CD, the first track #1 is about 1:30 minutes, and is for just a intro to the whole night, no words just somewhere to start, it seems long, but is was okay, when the second track started is when the narrator started to read, the man we used read kind of slow, as soon as he was done the women started to read (we used the same two people for the whole thing,) when the women finished speaking the music should start with they lyrics, oh as the second track starts the light shows on the scene, the when the song ends, the light goes out for a few seconds and then come back on to the next scene, we had them lined up in order on the stage.
  • <<Secondly, the last scene is a bit confusing to me. Did you play Daughter of a King after the quote from Pres. Lee or before? Was anything on stage at that time, or was it all dark?>>
    • Here again, we started the music and he read the quote during the intro to the music, it was timed just RIGHT! I could not believe how well it worked. Yes, as the song was playing we dimmed the lights and slowly shut the curtains. We just let the music be the end.
  • <<Lastly, did you serve dinner or refreshments of any kind?>>
    • Yes we had dinner, we had salads, we served nice green salads, and asked sisters to sign up to bring, fruit salads, Jell-O and pasta salads etc, we bought rolls at Costco and had cake from Costco. We only served water. We want the bigger variety of salads since we had girls 7 years and up there.
  • <<Did you have themed decorations? >>
    • The sister that decorated went ALL out, she borrowed black table clothes from someone she knew…………. we just went elegant, we used clear plastic cups and plates. lets see the napkins I think were just white. She had a arch (the ones you can buy at a craft store like Michaels, if you use a 40% off coupon you can get them for under 20 dollars.) she added flowers to the top and we had everyone enter in that way, we had a brother in the ward announce each sister as she entered through the arch, he said “Please welcome the royal sisters of the Smith family, (the he said there names) Julie, Maggie etc. We wanted to take pictures of them all together at that time but we just did not get organized enough.
    • In the middle of the table the sister put a mirror with a vase and fresh flowers in each (not a large amount just a small bunch, But you can do ANYTHING, what we thought would be REALLY neat would have been if we could have put crowns in the middle of each table, up on a box that was draped with a cloth, maybe print some great quotes out and some scriptures.
    • We did not want the feel of a wedding, but we did want elegant! ROYAL, I say watch Princess Dairy’s and maybe get ideas from that! Maybe if you can find ONE crown you could put it on the serving table up high as a show piece.

Okay, so did that help at all???

Don’t forget a flashlight for the readers, so when the lights go out they can still see the script!

This program was based around general conference talks and the Family Proclamation. It was a collaborate effort, written by Shannon W. and Shamaine W. and Julie P. All of Gilbert, AZ

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Of Royal Birth

Track 1 I Am A Child of God –prelude (1:39 to long shorten)  By Paul Cardall

Free music: Come Follow Me

Spotlight each scene as each one is read

Scene 1

Track 2 Song: Here Am I, Send Me  Let Us Go Forth Album(1:49) lyrics start at 1:14

Free Music :Beautiful Savior

Ø    Little girl descending stairs

Narrator: In the preexistence you lived with our Father in Heaven. There you prepared to come to earth to become a daughter, sister, mother, teacher, and friend. You knew and worshiped God as your Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize your divine destiny as an heir of eternal life.

(Woman’s voice) I am so excited about my journey, and a little scared, but I know that I will not be alone. I know my Father loves me and will be with me always.  I’m glad I chose to be a part of His divine plan. And I know I will someday return to my King.

Scene 2

Track 3 Song:  I am a Child of God.  (0:52) By Paul Cardall (no lyrics)

Free Music:An Angel To Watch Over Me

Ø    Woman holding a baby girl and placing hankie bonnet on her head

Narrator: And so you came to earth, so small and helpless. And knowing that you needed to be loved and nurtured our Heavenly Father blessed you with parents to guide you on your journey through this life.

Scene 3

Track 4 Song: Today I Will Be Baptized (1:24) lyrics start at 49 sec – Janice Kapp Perry

Free music: When I Baptized  (1:33 lyrics start at 52 sec)

Ø    Girl dressed in baptismal clothing looking at baptism picture—what else could they do?

Narrator: Now you are 8 and about to be baptized and make a special covenant to take upon you the name of Christ. Through this, Heavenly Father shows his love to us by giving you a way to repent and strive to become more like Him. And with the gift of the Holy Ghost you will be able to make righteous decisions.

(Woman’s voice) I am excited to be baptized.  Today I make my first promise with my Heavenly Father. My mother gave me the hankie she had made into a bonnet for me as a baby.  She wanted me to take care of it and keep it as a symbol of my purity.  And remind me of the first step towards claiming my Royal Birthright.

Scene 4

Track 5 Song: Walk Tall – verse- of long before a time you can remember Our Father held you in his arms so tender…….. Songs for young Women album  (1:57) lyrics start at 1:11

Free music: Search Diligently, Pray Always  (2:25  Lyrics start at 1:13)

Ø    Young girl on bed writing in her journal – hankie is holding her place- she looks at hankie and is reminded of you she is

Narrator: As you grow into a young woman may you know that you are a choice spirit who has come forth in this day when the responsibilities and opportunities, as well as the temptations, are the greatest. You are at the beginning of your journey through this mortal life.  Your Heavenly Father wants your life to be joyful and to lead you back into His presence.  The decisions you make now will determine much of what will follow during your life and throughout eternity.  May you keep your mind and body clean from the sins of the world, so you can do the great work that lies before you.

(Woman’s voice) Today has been an extremely hard day.  I feel like nobody understands what I am going through.  I feel so alone.  Well there is someone I can always talk to. Someone that promised me long ago that I would never be alone. I am glad that I know that Heavenly Father will always be there to listen and care.

Scene  5

Track 6 Song: I love to see the Temple –verse 2 Janice Kapp Perry (1:22) lyrics start at 41sec

Free music: In That Holy Place

Ø    Young woman standing in front of mirror in wedding dress holding hankie

Narrator: Today as you prepare to enter the Temple, you look back on all the steps you have taken to this point.  And know that the decision you have made is the right one.

(Woman’s voice) I’m glad I chose at a young age to begin preparing myself to be married in the temple.  As I look into the mirror and reflect on the choices I have made I realize that I am one step closer to fulfilling Gods eternal plan.  These covenants that I will make and the knowledge I will receive will strengthen my testimony of my Heavenly Fathers eternal plan.

Scene 6

Track 7 Song: Safe In Thy Loving Arms (2:10) lyrics start at 1:02

Free music: SAME  Safe in Thy Loving Arms

Ø    Mother reading to her child or children  or she can be comforting her child that was hurt, by placing a Band-Aid on them and ??- hankie is bookmark

Narrator: Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to angels.  Surely when a woman reverences motherhood, her children will arise up and call her blessed.

(Woman’s voice) I could never imagine a greater gift than that of becoming a mother. Though at times I can get lost in the daily trials. This is when I pray to Heavenly Father and try to make a conscious effort to change the way I look at motherhood, especially during stressful moments when a child is crying or covered in dirt or refuses to obey. I try to think eternally, remembering my role as a mother in the eternal scheme of things.

Scene 7

Track 8 Song A Women’s Heart Music form Time Out For Women(2:02) lyrics start at 32 sec

Free Music :A Mothers Silent Pray

Ø      Grandmother showing grandchildren photo album – hankie???

Narrator: In your golden years there is much to do and so much to be. With ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.

(Woman’s voice) I love being a grandmother. Being able to teach and pass on my experiences that I have lived and learned from, and knowing the lives that I have touched and future generations that I influence, this is what he created me to be. Woman, a daughter of a King.

Scene 8

Track 9 Song O My Father   4 verse (2:01) lyrics start at 36 sec

Free music: SAME  O My Father

Ø    Woman dressed in white ascending stairs-have a light come on each scene again during the song, as if she is looking back at her life

Narrator: And as you make your journey home you will stand before your King and he will say “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”


Ending Scence : After Narration ends and words to song start, close curtains

Track 10 Song: Daughter of a King by Jenny Phillips (4:22)

Narrator: The Prophet Harold B. Lee said, Who are you? You are daughters of the most  noble lineage that ever came upon this earth. More than that, you are all daughters of a heavenly power. May I, with that glimpse of understanding of who you are, paraphrase those words and say to you, children of Zion, daughters of noble lineage,  I plead with you with all the power of my soul, “Be loyal to the royal within you.”

The End

Track 1 I Am A Child of God