About the cards: These are 4"X6" prints. We order a set for each of our Seminary students, plus a small flip photo album to put them in ($1.49 each at Walmart), and a frame to hold the album. The students can open it to the passage they want to memorize and display it on their desks, or wherever they can always see it until they pass it off, and move to the next.

About me: Being a convert, I missed out on Seminary. I was given the grand privilege to sit-in in my daughter's Old Testament class last year---her teacher being a Jewish convert made it an absolutely amazing experience! I am now called as the permanent substitute in Seminary in our ward.

Thanks for posting all the fun ideas in your website! I've benefited from a lot of them!
Your friendly Filipino Redneck, Ckaz


You can download all 25 in them at this file