Put the items in a bag or small box
(shared by Jennifer Lefftler)
Congratulations on your baptism day! This Baptism bag will help remind you that being baptized is one of the most important things you can do in your life.
The white bag is a symbol of how pure and clean you are now that you have been baptized. Let it remind you that dirt can stain the bag just as sin can stain your soul. Always remember that repentance can keep you pure and clean and should always be your goal.
The picture of Jesus and John the Baptist will remind you that Jesus was baptized when He lived on earth because He wanted to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments and set an example for each of us to follow. He knew that everyone must be baptized to be able to live in the Celestial kingdom.
The sacrament cup: When we are baptized we make a promise to Heavenly Father and He in turn makes a promise to us. This is called a covenant. When you partake of the Sacrament you will be renewing your baptismal covenant. The chart will help you remember what these promises are.
Small gift box: After you were baptized you received one of God’s greatest gifts, the Gift of the Holy Ghost. You received this by the laying on of hands by an Elder of the Church. As you open the small gift representing the Holy Ghost you will discover the many ways the Holy Ghost can help you in your life if you live worthy.
The heart stands for the great love our Heavenly Father has for you and His desire that you return to live with Him. It also stands for the love you show Him by obeying His commandments.
Candle: As you gain a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and live worthy so Heavenly Father’s spirit can be with you, you will feel the peace and joy the gospel brings and have the light of the Holy Ghost. Let the candle represent this light which will lead you back to the presence of your Heavenly Father.

COVENANT (make a card with this written on it)
I Promise:
I will follow Jesus
I will always remember him
I will keep his commandments
Heavenly Father Promises:
He will forgive me
He will give me the help of the Holy Ghost
He will give me eternal life
These are the word strips that go in the “Gift of the Holy Ghost” box:
Gives us our Testimony
Warns us of danger or evil
Comforts us (Galatians 5:22)
Inspires us (Luke 12:12)
Teaches us (John 14:26)
Helps us remember things (John 14:26)
Helps us understand things (D&C 6:15)
Helps us know and choose the right (D&C 11:12)
Guides us in important decisions (2 Nephi 32:5)
Helps us recognize truth (Moroni 10:5)
Helps us understand and communicate with each other (Alma 12:3)

Baptism Bag 2
(to help the children understand how important their baptism is)
The WHITE BAG is to remind you of how PURE AND CLEAN you are now that you have been baptized.
The WASHCLOTH is to remind you that you have been washed free of all your sins.
he WATER will remind you that you were baptized by IMMERSION, just like Jesus was. After your baptism you received a special GIFT, the gift of the HOLY GHOST.
The little MOUTH is to help you remember that the Holy Ghost will SPEAK to you in a still small voice.
The SOAP is to remind you that you must have clean thoughts and actions to feel the Holy Ghost.
The EAR in the bag will remind you to always LISTEN to the Holy Ghost so that you can always choose the right.
The Holy Ghost will COMFORT you like a warm BLANKET. The Holy Ghost will comfort you and give you strength when you choose the right and have to stand alone.
The RULER will help you remember that the Holy Ghost is a TEACHER. The Holy Ghost will help you understand and know the truth as you study the scriptures and learn.
The Holy Ghost will LIGHT YOUR WAY like a CANDLE and help you walk along righteous paths.
The HEART shows how much Jesus loves you. He wants you to show your LOVE for Him by obeying the commandments. Always stay close to Him and you will be truly happy.” I include a laminated card with what each item represents so they can remember.
This Baptism bag
(to help the children understand how important their baptism is)


Baptism Bag 3

Two weeks before a child turns 8, they receive their Baptism Bag. It is a paper produce bag (with a handle) and with colored markers, their name is written on the front, a VIP badge is stapled to it, and a big raffia bow is tied to the handle. In the bag, they find:
a Gospel in Action card attached with a letter for the parents to read to the child;
a CTR ring;
A little Baptism book that has games, stories, lessons, songs, guest book, journal and a place for a picture;
also a list of what the child needs to bring with them to their baptism,
an Achievement Days book (for the girls) or the Faith in God card (for the boys who enter Cub Scouts) along with the corresponding leaders names and numbers.
Sit down with the child to discuss the contents of the bag and answer questions if they have any. You should see their eyes light up when they see their beautiful Baptism Bags!”

Baptism Bag 4

(by Keri in California)
This BAPTISM BAG is to help you understand how important your baptism is.
The WHITE BAG is to remind you of how PURE and CLEAN you are now that you have been baptized.
The WASHCLOTH is to remind you that you have been washed free of your sins.
The WATER is to remind you that you were baptized by IMMERSION, just like Jesus.
The EVERGREEN TREE represents that we are able to live forever because of Jesus Christ.
The RED DROPLETS represent the blood that Christ shed for us.
The KEY represents baptism as the key to entering the gate to the Kingdom of Heaven.
The SACRAMENT CUP reminds us that each Sunday we can renew the covenants (promises) that we made with the Lord when we take the sacrament.
The WHITE BOARD represents you. The marks on the board represent “sins” that you commit.
The ERASER represents repentance and how it erases the “sins”.
After you are baptized you receive a very special GIFT – the gift of the Holy Ghost.
The SOAP reminds you that you must have clean thoughts and actions to feel the Holy Ghost.
The RADIO reminds you that you must be “in tune” to hear the still small voice of the Holy Ghost.
The ROCKY ROAD CANDY BAR reminds you that you will have hard times in your life, but with the help of the Gospel and especially the Holy Ghost you will make it.
The HEART shows how much Jesus loves you. He wants you to show your LOVE for Him by obeying the commandments. Always stay close to Him and you will be truly happy.
The PICTURE OF JESUS to remind you to always remember Him and be like Him.