Faithingodboys Faith in God for Boys

Helps boys ages 8 through 11 live gospel principles, develop testimonies, build friendships, and prepare to receive the Aaronic Priesthood.

When properly carried out, Cub Scouting is a fun, home-centered activity program. Parental involvement and help is a key to success in this program (see Scouting Handbook, 3). The Church does not sponsor Scouting for boys younger than 8 (see Handbook 2, 11.5.3). Boys advance on their birthdays. No Scout-sponsored overnight camping should be planned for boys under age 11 (see Scouting Handbook, 3).

  • Booklet
  • Activity Day Page
  • Cub Scout Page
  • Developing Talents
  • Faith in God- Cub Correlation packet
  • Helps with Cubs Scouts and Faith in God Program
  • Learning and Living the Gospel
  • Teaching about the Aaronic Priesthood
  • Preparing for the Priesthood
  • Serving Others

Taken from:

Church activities should be planned to fulfill gospel-centered purposes. To maintain a gospel focus in Scout activities, leaders use the Faith in God for Boys guidebook as one of their resources (see Handbook 2, 11.5.3). The Faith in God program should be coordinated with Scouting to lay a foundation that prepares a boy to keep his baptismal covenants, better serve his family, and receive the priesthood (see Scouting Handbook, 3).

Activity Correlation Suggestions

Basic Requirements Achievement 11> Achievement 1 Webelos Badge, Requirement 8
Learning and Living the Gospel
Give a family home evening lesson on Joseph Smith’s First Vision . . . Achievement 10c, 11a Achievement 1, 10b Webelos Badge, Requirement 8, Activity Badge: Family Member 5
Give an opening and a closing prayer in family home evening or Primary… Achievement 11b Achievement 1b Webelos Badge, Requirement 8
Tell a story from the Book of Mormon that teaches about faith… Achievement 10c Achievement 1a Webelos Badge, Requirement 8
Read D&C 89. Discuss how Heavenly Father blesses us when we faithfully live the Word of Wisdom. . . Achievement 11b, c Achievement 9c, g Activity Badge: Fitness
Prepare a pedigree chart . . . Achievement 10, 11 Achievement 8d Webelos Badge, Requirement 8 or Activity Badge: Family Member 5
Serving Others
Write a letter to a teacher, your parents, or your grandparents . . . Elective 21b Achievement 18b Communicator 11
Plan, prepare, and serve a nutritious meal. Achievement 8c, e Achievement 9c, g Family Member 11, Fitness 3, Outdoorsman 8
Read the twelfth article of faith. Discuss what it means to be a good citizen… Bobcat Trail 1 or Achievement 2a Achievement 24a Citizen Requirement 1
Developing Talents
Learn to sing, play, or lead a song from the Children’s Songbook . . . Elective 11d, e, f Elective 8 Activity Badge: Showman 8, 9
Visit an art museum or attend a concert, play, or other cultural event. . . Achievement 10c, f Achievement 10a Activity Badge: Showman 17, Naturalist 4
Write a poem, story, or short play that teaches a principle… Elective 2a Requirement 18g Communicator Requirement 8