Musical Scavenger Hunt


This is a fun activity that we’ve done recently.  The kids are divided into teams and given a clue that tells them where they’re headed and what they have to sing once they get there.  The kids had a really good time – even the boys.

Below are our clues just to give you an idea because I’m sure they wouldn’t necessarily work for you.  Each team receives the same clues, but in a different order from each house so that they’re all mixed up.

  1. When life gives you lemons make lemonade.  Go to this house and sing “If you chance to meet a frown” for your next clue.  (Lemon’s)
  2. If you have an ancestor you just can’t find, don’t get discouraged just hunt her down.  Sing “Families can be together forever” at this house for your next clue.  (Hunter’s – he’s a professional genealogist)
  3. When someone gets you down and rains on your parade just turn things around by being nice to them in return.  Sing “Kindness begins with me” for your next clue.  (Not one team knew this song.)  (Rains’)
  4. How will you know if you are at the correct house?  After singing “Choose the Right”, you will get your next clue.  (Howell’s)
  5. This house is tailor made for this song.  Sing “We are Sowing” for your next clue. (Taylor’s – she’s a seamstress)
  6. It shouldn’t be hard to do what is right.  This house will give you your next clue after you sing “Do What is Right”.  (Ard’s)
  7. We can’t bear to see you miss any of the clues so go here and sing any song the whole team knows and can agree on.  (Bear’s)
  8. You don’t have to be razor sharp to know that keeping the commandments will make you happy.  For you next clue go here and sing “Keep the Commandments”.  (Raisors’)
  9. This family proves that the family that entertains and competes together stays together, no matter how big or small!  Sing “Love One Another”.  (Kichiro’s – they perform and compete in Polynesian dancing.)
  10. Say your prayers daily to help you get along.  “Love at Home” will get you your next clue.  (Sayer’s)
  11. Whether a young man or woman or a retired couple if you’re wrestling with the choice to go on a mission, take a clue from this couple and sing “Called to Serve”.  (Hennifer’s – he’s a retired wrestling coach and they recently served a mission to Australia)
  12. A temple marriage will shower you with blessings, not rice.  Sing “I Love to See the Temple”.  (Rice’s)