Find the Leader

Boys sit on the floor in a circle.  Select one to be “it”.  He is asked to leave the room while the others choose a leader.  “It” returns to stand in the center of the circle.  The leader slyly starts some motion like winking his eye, nodding his head, or patting his knee.  All other in the circle do what the leader does.  The motions are changed from time to time.  “It” tries to discover who the leader is.  When he succeeds, the leader becomes “it”, and a new leader is picked.

Information 06/25/2023

The time has come for me to be honest with myself,  that I just can't keep up with this site any more. I am working full time now and loving on my grandkids.  I will still be adding great quotes I find and things from General conference etc. Never fear, I am still here for you. If you need something please reach out to me, and I will See what I can do. You can reach me at

Thanks for your understanding! Liz from the Idea Door

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