Baptism Bears Topper 3 sm

These are some printables that can be used as a handout after a baptism, or as a reminder of the Covenants we made at Baptism.

They can be handed out with a bag of “Gummy bears”

Here is they story about the Baptism Bears

Baptism and The Three Bears Story

These have 4 on a page:

Baptism Bears

pdfBaptism Bears.pdf188.88 KB


Baptism Bears 2

pdfBaptism Bears 2.pdf1.99 MB




These are toppers, that you can print yourself or as a photo, then fold in half and staple to a baggie full of the gummy bears or a package of gummy bears

Printing an image step by step


Baptism Bears Topper 2 sm  Baptism Bears Topper 3 sm
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