Purpose: Missionary Preparedness
Invitation: Mission Call
Future Missionary Name Tag: Number two of each number to put companion ships together.
You may need to have threesomes in some companion groups.
(1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4)
Odd=Elders Even=Sisters
Tag will be punched as each training area is completed. All punches are required before they receive refreshments.
Meet in the Chapel in Sunday dress.
As they arrive give each person a “Name Tag”and have them be seated reverently in the chapel.(prelude music is appropriate)
Zone Conference:(in the chapel)
Hymn:# Lead: Play:
Opening Prayer:
Introductions: Mission President(Bishop)
District Leaders YWYM Leaders)
Trainers (Laurels)
Speaker: (Max. 5 min.) Motivate the youth to do missionary work, reactivation efforts, and friendship non-members.
Mission Rules Reviewed:
There is will be no trading of companions.
Stay with companion at all times
Stay with district at all times
Must go through each training session and receive a punch when completed
Call each other “Elder” and “Sister”
Return and Report-Exit interview with Mission President
Each work shop will last between 10-15 min.
Match Up Companions: Call numbers (on the back of their name tag) and have them stand then exit to foyer for photograph with companion.
From here they will go to the gym or workshop area.
Divide Evenly into Districts: Have an adult leader with each group. Mix Elders and Sisters in each district. Odd/even companion ships will automatically do this if you put companions #1,2,3,4 in one district and #5 6,7,8, etc… in the next.
Area 1: Teach and Testify
A Book of Mormon for each person to write their testimony in. These will be given to prospective members so be sure the youth write appropriately.
3×5 cards will work if books are not available
Use an overhead projector with a transparency of the 4th section of the D&C for them to try and memorize. Cover the words verse by verse until they learn it. It is probably not possible for them to memorize all 7 verses in this section in the short time allowed but the effort is worth the time.
Area 2: Tracting
Give specific instruction about not entering a home with a member of the opposite sex unless there is an adult of your same sex in the home.
Use 6 classroom doors or 3 and have them go twice to each door.
1. Rude
2. Language barrier
3. No answer
4. Media referral
5. Golden Contact
6. Member (give the missionaries a homemade cookie)
Door Approach:
*Hello! My name is elder/sister________, and this is elder/sister______________. We are missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are going around the neighborhood sharing a message about Jesus Christ today. Will you allow us to come in and share that message?
Area 3: Physical Fitness
Use caution with the extent of the exercises required as the sisters will be in dresses
Have a TV/VCR with an appropriate exercise video to work out to.
Other exercise equipment could be on hand for props or to use
Area 4: Domestic Skills
Demonstrate how to sew on a shirt button. Have each missionary sew a button to a mini shirt.(see sample)
Provide 1-2 irons and ironing boards as well as water squirt bottle.
Extension cords may be needed.
Get enough shirts for each participant and have them each properly iron one shirt. (DI might loan them to you for this activity)
Area 5:Service
Plan a service project that can be accomplished in the course of the evening A quilt kit from DI works well. Be sure to have it already set up and all the necessary supplies on hand.
Area 6: Nutrition/Cleaning
Working in the kitchen have each missionary cook an egg and make toast. They will be required to eat what they cook regardless of how it turns out. They also need to properly wash and dry all the dishes, pans and utensils they use.
Exit Interview and Mail Call:
Each missionary will meet with the “Mission President” (Bishop) and show the 6 punches they received indicating that they accomplished the training. They receive a sticker indicating they have been “Honorably Released” and are eligible for refreshments. They are also given a challenge to place a Book of Mormon or a referral card.
They should also receive a letter of encouragement from the bishop and a Dear John/Jane” letter for fun.
This is also a good time to get each youth to sign thank you cards for those who helped with the activity.
Mission Photo:
After the exit interview is completed have all “missionaries” get together for a group “Mission” photo.
Closing Prayer:
“Mission Reunion” Refreshments:
We did a missionary activity that turned out really great for all the youth. We split them into 3 groups and rotated them around to 3 stations.
Station 1 was in the gym and we played a board game that one of our classes had made up–it took up the whole gym and 2 youth made up 1 token. (Missionaries come in twos…) They had to roll a big dice and then go that many spaces. On the spaces were things like–Become District Leader, move ahead 3 spaces,
Baptize a whole family, move ahead 5 spaces, Caught doing laundry on a day other than P-day, lose a turn….you get the idea.
Station 2 was with the missionaries and our ward mission leader. They played like the investigators and the youth were the missionaries teaching them the first lesson. We gave all the youth pamphlets to get their “lesson” idea and then had the “investigators” ask some of the questions that have been asked along their missionary journey–it turned out to be a great time for the youth to bare their testimonies and to answer questions that maybe they never thought about before.
Station 3 was our “refreshment” station. (You have to eat at these activities, right?) Anyway, we had each youth make their own Grilled Cheese Sandwich. We figured that alot of missionaries get really good at making themselves a quick, cheap lunch and this was what we chose to demonstrate that concept. We were amazed at how many of our kids didn’t know how to make a grilled cheese.
We had a great activity that I wanted to share with you. The entire month of April was focused on missionary work. We decided to have the youth “go on missions” We divided the youth into 8 missions. A few days before our first activity the youth received their mission calls. That week at the activity they entered the MTC. We had the mission president speak about what to exxpect on a mission, the MTC, etc.
2nd week- we had the youth learn and then teach each other the discussions.
3rd week: we had P-day which consisted of several stations with relay races. Two missions competed against each other at each station. The activities included Dressing a missionary, trying to grocery shop with items in another language etc.
4th week: Each mission went to a ward members home who served in their area and ate authentic food and learned about the country.