Daughter of a KingRebecca Whitmer of Stockton, CA, emailed me the following:
Hi, Thank you so much for sharing your ideas! I used much of the “Of Royal Birth Program” for my ward RS Birthday dinner last Friday and it was a fantastic hit! I did change things a lot, but I used most of what you have shared so I just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. And I would like to share it for others to use! (to read more about this program click here)

Daughter of a King

Song: Daughter of a King by Jenny Philips

Intro: The following program highlights the joys and blessings of the gospel in every phase of life as a woman, a daughter of God. Knowing who you are, where you came from, why you are here, and how your life blesses the lives of those around you is the key to finding joy in each and every day, even every trial along the way. You truly are, a Daughter of a King.

Scene 1

Song: Here Am I, Send Me By J. K. Perry Let Us Go Forth

Ø Little girl descending stairs with white flower in her hair…ribbons trailing from “heaven”

Narrator: In the pre-mortal life you lived with our Father in Heaven. There you prepared to come to earth to become a daughter, sister, mother, teacher, and friend. You knew and worshiped God as your Eternal Father and accepted His plan by which His children could obtain a physical body and gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize your divine destiny as an heir of eternal life.

Ø Curtains open and girl leaves flower on small table by rocking chair and new mother

(Woman’s voice) I am so excited about my journey, and a little scared, but I know that I will not be alone. I know my Father loves me and will be with me always. I’m glad I chose to be a part of His divine plan. And I know I will someday return to my King.

Scene 2

Song: Walk Tall You’re a Daughter of God – Verse 2 & 3

Ø Woman rocking and dressing a baby girl for blessing day

Narrator: And so you came to earth, so small and helpless. And knowing that you needed to be loved and nurtured our Heavenly Father blessed you with parents to guide you on your journey through this life.

Song : I Am a Child of God by Paul Cardall begin narration 2 as voice over

(Woman’s voice) O, how I miss my heavenly home and my family there, but now as those memories fade so far away, I am thankful that Father has blessed me with such a wonderful family here on earth. I know I am loved. I can hardly wait to experience all that this life has to offer. I am thankful for a family to lead and guide me through the choices I must make.

Scene 3

Song: Born of Water, Born of Spirit by J.K. Perry

Ø Girl and father dressed in baptismal clothing. Mother from scene 1 places flower in daughters hair over right ear. Sister Missionary helps father and daughter.

Narrator: Now you are 8 and about to be baptized and make a special covenant to take upon you the name of Christ. Through this, Heavenly Father shows his love by giving you a way to repent and strive to become more like Him. And with the gift of the Holy Ghost you will be able to make righteous decisions.

(Woman’s voice) I am excited to be baptized. Today I make my first promise with my Heavenly Father. My mother made my special baptism day dress just like my blessing dress. She wants me to take care of them and keep them as a symbol of my purity. My baptism today is my first step towards claiming my Royal Birthright.

Scene 4

Song: Child of Light by Mindy Gledhill

Ø Teenage girl having a dramatic episode finally rests on bed to write in her journal

Narrator: As you grow into a young woman may you know that you are a choice spirit who has come forth in this day when the responsibilities and opportunities, as well as the temptations, are the greatest. You are at the beginning of your journey through this mortal life. Your Heavenly Father wants your life to be joyful and to lead you back into His presence. The decisions you make now will determine much of what will follow during your life and throughout eternity. May you keep your mind and body clean from the sins of the world, so you can do the great work that lies before you.

Song: My Story from My Turn on Earth

Ø Mother enters and places flower over her daughters right ear, comforts her, hands her the scriptures…and then leaves.

(Woman’s voice) Today has been an extremely hard day. I feel like nobody understands what I am going through. I feel so alone. I know there is someone I can always talk to. Someone that promised me long ago that I would never be alone. I am glad that I know that Heavenly Father will always be there to listen and care.

Scene 5

Song: Stand as a Witness by Katherine Nelson

Ø Young sister missionary packing her suitcase, places the flower from her hair, in the suitcase with her scriptures.

Narrator: For 21 years you have been nurtured by a family who prepared you to take your place in the world, and in Heavenly Father’s kingdom. You have increased your knowledge of the gospel, found your own testimony, and made covenants with Him in the temple. And if it so be that ye should labor all your days crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy in the kingdom of my Father!

(Woman’s voice) I felt sad to leave my home, my friends and family I love, I felt unprepared, small and weak. I didn’t know enough. I wasn’t brave enough. I wasn’t ready. At least that’s how I felt, but I knew the Lord knew I was. I knew it was what he wanted me to do. I knew that if I humbled myself and trusted in Him, as hard as that was, that He would then qualify His Daughter to become His missionary

Scene 6

Track 6 Song: There is a Place by Janice Kapp Perry

Ø Young woman standing in front of mirror (temple) in wedding dress. Mother places the white flower in her hair over her left ear.

Narrator: Today as you prepare to enter the Temple, you look back on all the steps you have taken to this point. And know that the decision you have made is the right one.

(Woman’s voice) I’m glad I chose at a young age to begin preparing myself to be married in the temple. As I look into the mirror and reflect on the choices I have made I realize that I am one step closer to fulfilling Gods eternal plan. These covenants that I will make and the knowledge I will receive will strengthen my testimony of my Heavenly Fathers eternal plan.

Scene 7

Song: In the Meantime by Jenny Jordan

Ø Mother with flower over left ear dealing with business of the day

Narrator: Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to angels. Surely when a woman reverences motherhood, her children will arise up and call her blessed.

(Woman’s voice) I could never imagine a greater gift than that of becoming a mother. Though at times I can get lost in the daily trials. This is when I pray to Heavenly Father and try to make a conscious effort to change the way I look at motherhood, especially during stressful moments when a child is crying or covered in dirt or refuses to obey. I try to think eternally, remembering my role as a mother in the eternal scheme of things.

Scene 8

Song: A Women’s Heart by Jenny Jordan

Ø Grandmother with flower in her hair kneeling to pray in morning, greeting grandchildren and then kneeling to pray in the evening.

(Woman’s voice) I love being a grandmother. Being able to teach and pass on my own experiences that I have lived and learned from. Knowing the lives that I have touched and future generations that I will influence…this is what he created me to be. Woman, a daughter of a King.

Ø Grandmother walks across the stage to the chair of the mother in scene 2. Retires in rocking chair. Dies.

Narrator: In your golden years there is much to do and so much to be. With ancient is wisdom; and in length of days understanding.

Scene 9

Song: Come Take Your Place by Hilary Weeks

Ø Woman dressed in white appears from behind grandmother indicating her death, reviewing scenes of her life then ascending stairs representing returning to spirit world

Curtains close behind her

Dancer enters as lyrics begin

Girls enter across stage front at second “Come Take Your Place” bridge

At end of song ALL LIGHTS OUT

Final Scene : spotlight on narrator

Song: Daughter of a King by Jenny Phillips Narration is voice over

Narrator: The Prophet Harold B. Lee said, Who are you? You are daughters of the most noble lineage that ever came upon this earth. More than that, you are all daughters of a heavenly power. May I, with that glimpse of understanding of who you are, paraphrase those words and say to you, children of Zion, daughters of noble lineage, I plead with you with all the power of my soul, “Be loyal to the royal within you.”

Encourage audience to stand at final chorus of Daughter of a King

The End

(to read more about this program click here)


Daughter of a King

Words and Music by Jenny Phillips and Tyler Castleton

Do you wonder if He knows who you are?

Do you wonder if He knows the secret pleadings of your heart

He has numbered every sand of the sea

And he longs for you to know that He believes in you

Can you feel a quiet power from above?

Can you feel His strength surround you when your own is not enough?

He has blessed you with his spirit from on high

And He longs for you to know it lives inside of you

Oh, be true –

Daughter of a king,

the Father’s royalty

heir to His divinity

He’s calling your name

to come and take your place before His throne

He has always known

what he created you to be

A daughter of a king

You hold the promises of all eternity

Rise to claim the noble birthright you were sent here to receive

He has loved you since you lived with Him before

Let Him lead you to the gifts He has in store for you

Oh, be true –

Daughter of a king,

the Father’s royalty

heir to His divinity

He’s calling your name

to come and take your place before His throne

He has always known

what he created you to be

Father’s royalty

heirs to His divinity

He’s calling our names

to come and take our place before His throne

He has always known

what He created us to be

Scene 1 Here Am I, Send Me By Steven Kapp Perry

Here am I send me

I will go wherever you lead

I will let Thy light shine

And the glory be thine

If God can do His work

Through the small and weak

Here am I send Me

Scene 2 Walk Tall You’re A Daughter of God by Jamie Glenn (Verse two)

Long before the time you can remember

Our Father held you in his arms so tender

Those loving arms released you as he sent you down to earth

He said, “My child, I love you. Don’t forget your great worth”

Walk tall, you’re a daughter, a child of God

Be strong please remember, who you are

Try to understand, you’re part of His great plan

He’s closer than you know

Reach up; He’ll take your hand

Scene 3 Born of Water, Born of Spirit by Janice Kapp Perry

May the water now surround and make me whole

Wash away my past and cleanse my soul

Let thy Holy Ghost descending like a dove

Bear witness of Thy sweet redeeming love

Born of water born of Spirit

Renewed in faith and covenant with Thee

Born of water born of Spirit

By love’s atoning sacrifice made free

With my spirit now refined, heart and soul to Thee inclined

Born of water, born of spirit, child of Thine

Scene 4 Child of Light by Mindy Gledhill

Do you ever wonder who you are

Do you ever wonder as you stare into the stars

Where you began

And how you got this far from home

Have you ever walked along the shore

Have you ever seen the water dancing back and forth

Did you look inside

To see if there was more to life

Well, there’s a dream taking wing

There’s a voice that wants to sing

And even in the deepest, darkest night

The torch is raised to the sky

There are hands that hold it high

You were born to keep it burning bright

You were made to fly

You were meant to shine

Child of light

You will never, ever stand alone

You were never called to bear the burdens on your own

And where there is fear

Love will take control and lead you on…

Cuz there’s a dream taking wing

There’s a voice that wants to sing

And even in the deepest darkest night

The torch is raised to the sky

There are hands that hold it high

You were born to keep it burning bright

You were made to fly

You were meant to shine

Child of light

There’s a dream taking wing

There’s a voice that wants to sing

And even in the deepest, darkest night

The torch is raised to the sky

And there are hands that hold it high

You were born to keep it burning bright

You were made to fly

You were meant to shine

Child of light.

My Story from My Turn on Earth

I’m the one that writes my own story

I decide the person I’ll be

What goes in the plot

And what will not

Is pretty much up to me

And just in case

I need to erase

It was figured out before

A thing called repentance

Can wipe out a sentence

A page or a chapter or more

Everyone who writes his own story

Now and then will make some mistakes

But given some care

They needn’t stay there

And this is all that it takes

You must know

You’ve done wrong and so

You feel very bad and then

You don’t try to hide it

Do try to right it

And vow you won’t do it again

This book of mine is ver important

And so someone is waiting right there

To help with my story

He’s been here before me

And always is close as a prayer

We will write each day and night

And do it well and faithfully

A wonderful story

Of sadness and glory

It’s written by Jesus and me

Scene 5 Stand As a Witness by Katherine Nelson

I have felt the power of His love

Flowing down to rest upon my soul

I have knelt for knowledge from above

And His quiet whisper let me know

That He has placed a flame inside of me

I feel the need to share it, now for all to see, so

I will stand as a witness, carry His light

Shining hope into each life that’s fallen dim

I will stand and be counted, prepare myself within

As a daughter of promise,

I will stand as a witness of Him

I have known the sweetness of His word

Felt a seed of faith begin to grow

I have seen the joy in those I serve

How it feels to come into His fold

Living with His love inside of me

I feel the need to reach out to heaven’s family, so

I will stand as a witness, carry His light

Shining hope into each life that’s fallen dim

I will stand and be counted, prepare myself within

As a daughter of promise,

I will stand as a witness of Him

As a daughter of promise,

I will stand as a witness of Him

Scene 6 There is a Place by Joy S. Lundberg and Janice Kapp Perry

What would be our purpose

If our family could not be

More than fleeting happiness

For just mortality?

Why would loving families

Be so important here

Just to end with death and disappear?

But in our Father’s plan

He wants our happiness

So He has opened up the way

For families to be blessed

In sacred temples of our Lord

Families are sealed for evermore

Scene 7 In the Meantime by Jenny Jordan

In her hear she holds the dreams

That she’s carried since the day she turned thirteen

Of al that she would be when she was grown

Of all that she would do when she was finally on her own

She dreamed she’d fly

And she’s still waiting for the chance to try

But in the meantime she’s a mother and a daughter and a wife

Doing all she can to stay above the daily grind

She wonders when she’ll ever have more meaning in her life

She doesn’t know she’s being molded and refined

In the meantime

Someday she’ll go back to school

When the carpools and the soccer games are through

‘caus deep inside she’s still the girl

Who’s always felt the fire to make a difference in the world

She dreams she’ll soar

When she finally has the time to do more

But in the meantime she’s a sister and a teacher and a friend

Hours turn into days that turn to years that never end

She wonders when she’ll ever really find herself again

But she’s becoming one on whom God can depend

In the meantime

Heaven feels the joy of every victory in her life

and heaven hears her heart before she cries

Somewhere in the middle of the triumphs and the trials

She’s becoming sanctified

But in the meantime she’s an answer and a blessing and a gift

To every empty, aching heart that only she can lift

She still wonders if she’ll ever get to see where heaven is

If she could only see her mansions waiting there

If she could only feel how much her Father cares

She would know she’s being perfectly prepared

In the meantime

Scene 8 A Woman’s Heart By Jenny Jordan

Morning comes and finds her on her knees

The Spirit speaks and she is listening

She offers everything her soul can give

To make a difference through the life she lives

Her faith holds her family close

She understands what matters most

Her gentle touch is where love starts

That’s the way of a woman’s heart

She’s the keeper of the vision

She’s a beacon in the night

A teacher and defender of the truth

And everything she touches

Bears the traces of her light

She’s faithful to

What God Himself would do

She’s a friend to the lonely and the lost

Every day another bridge to cross

Her hands of mercy know the healer’s art

That’s the way of a woman’s heart

Evening comes and finds her on her knees

She speaks and He is listening

With sweet assurance that she’s done her part

She weeps in His peace

And that’s the way of a woman’s heart

Scene 9 Come Take Your Place by Hilary Weeks

Can you hear it

Can you hear it

Angels are calling your name

Do you feel it

Do you feel it

Heaven is lighting a flame

There’s a voice in your heart

Whispering who you are

Can you see it

Can you see it

Your place in the Father’s design

Are you ready

Are you ready

This is your season to shine

There’s a voice through the dark

Gathering noble hearts

You carry the light of His Son

And running through your veins is royal blood

You’re the brave and the strong, you’re the faithful

You have been saved for this moment and time

You hear the call

You feel the flame

You’ve been prepared

Come take your place

Can you hear the angels calling you

Do you recognize your name

Can you see your part in His design

No one else can take your place

There’s a voice clear and strong

You’re right where you belong

You carry the light of His Son

And running through your veins is royal blood

You’re the brave and the strong, you’re the faithful

You have been saved for this moment and time

You hear the call

You feel the flame

You’ve been prepared

Come take your place

You are the brave

You are the strong

You are the faithful ones

You carry the light of His Son

And running through your veins is royal blood

You’re the brave and the strong, you’re the faithful

You have been saved for this moment and time

You hear the call

You feel the flame

You’ve been prepared

Come take your place
Here are some remarks she has about the program:
The program is beautifully simple.  Set the stage with all of the vignettes at one time from left to right…except for the opening child of God who crosses from right to left in front of closed curtains as she decends from heaven to the life that is represented on the stage.  The Woman’s Voice narrator is behind the curtain on the left side of the stage so that when the final vignette actor rests in the rocking chair for the last scene, she comes out symbolizing the spirit of the child of God leaving the body and returning to the spirit world where the child of God came from.
You will need
1   Stairs if possible for child to decend and woman to return on in the end
2   Rocking chair for mother
3   Baptism suits for father and daughter
4   Bed for teenager (I used an aerobed…it was perfect)
5   Table and suitcase for missionary to be packing
6   Mirror for bride…could use a large scale representation of the temple
7   Uur mother of young children brought a laundry basket with a few other small props like dishes, towels to fold etc.
8   Grandmotherly looking easy chair…look in the foyer or the mothers lounge of your building
The actors move in the vignette only during the song representing that phase of life.  The small children do not come onto the stage until their part (so they don’t have to sit still so long).  The mother from the beginning is NOT the child represented in the rest of the story so she leaves her vignette.  She moves into the baptism, teenager, and new bride vignettes.  We recycled the children for the grandmother vignette…they came in after the line about praying and then left the stage again before the end when the grandmother crosses the stage and dies.  The grandmother vignette should be all the way on the opposite side of the stage so when she crosses, it is like the stage is her whole house and she is resting in her own chair.
Our grandmother got a little confused and did not walk across during the song…it actually was more dramatic to have her walk across in silence.  The narrators order is reversed in this scene as the woman’s voice speaks first, as the grandmother walks (or just before she walks in silence) and then the narrator.
The lyrics are included at the end of the program, however, in the editing I actually included the 3rd verse of Walk Tall too and I have not added those lines yet.  I did not give the lyrics to everyone because it would have severely impacted our budget 🙂
This was extremely successful and we plan to do it again.  I could not get the sisters to meet to run through the program and that was reeeaaaallllyyyy necessary so everyone understood their parts and how it works together…I ended up explaining it to each vignette the night of and no one got to eat because we were working on the program.
We were blessed with a dancer who did her own choreography to the song.  It could obviously be done without it, but it was incredible to have that part in there.  It was really neat to see the girls all lined up on the stage too.  The Child of God holding the doll representing her newborn body, the girl at baptism, teen, missionary, bride, young mom, grandmother, then spirit body.
I had a flower at each place setting that matched each of the actors representing the child of God.  The mother places the flower in the girls hair for the baptism, teen and bride.  I don’t know if the audience picked up on that though.  Only like 3 of them walked out wearing their flower.  I will definitely include the flowers again, but I will probably draw reference to them in the intro so each member of the audience understands that she too is a Daughter of a King and the flower is a symbol of her divine heritage from our Heavenly Father.
OH YEAH, I read the RS Declaration as part of the intro   AND I wanted the bishop to be the narrator…or at least do the final narrator part which is a quote from President Lee…mine was not available, but that would be really neat.