Make your own I Know My Savior Lives pens


I got this idea from Christy W. from Afton, WY, she sent me the idea to make CTR pens based off the 2012 theme.



Instruction are below the files

Primary pen insert 2015 BW


Primary pen insert 2015


pdfPrimary pen insert 2015 BW.pdf887.84 KB pdfPrimary pen insert 2015.pdf972.7 KB








Arise pen 2




Here is the directions:pens

1)  After printing the paper, (print on colored paper to spice it up) prepare a pen with a clear barrel.  You can use a Pentel RSVP pen and unscrewed the bottom.  The gold ink on the barrel can be removed with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.They are 12 for $9.00 pens

Or I found some pens at Staples called ICE breaker ballpoint stick pens. and in the store I paid $5.99 for 12 They are a little shorter then the others.

2)  Roll pen insert around a narrow tube – a skewer works great for this. 

3)  Carefully place curled insert into pen barrel.  Remove and trim if necessary.

4) Screw parts of pen back together.

Photo Aug 04 7 33 42 PM