November 2016 Home Teaching Handouts

Because the November Liahona contains all the addresses from general conference there is not a designated home teaching teaching message for November. Visiting and Home teachers are encouraged to prayerfully select their messages from one or more of the general conference addresses. So What I have to offer this month, is just some printables with Quotes from conferences,...
September HT After Love, Then What

Link to lesson on LDS.ORG: [ddownload id="14686"]
July HT Handout True to the Faith of Our Forefathers

Here are some choices for some handouts for July's Home Teaching Message. You can find the lesson at this link: Helpful Pages There are PDF files as well as 4x6 images [ddownload id="14206"]
December 2016 HT handout Peace in This Life

So many choices or wording to put on this handout, I have 3 different options! Hope you like one of them 🙂 Print at your local photo shop (Walgreens, Sam's club etc) Or just print from your printer. How to Print an image from your printer These quotes came from here: It is only through...
August 2016 Home Teaching Handout The Hope of Eternal Family Love

[ddownload id="14533"] Of all the gifts our loving Heavenly Father has provided to His children, the greatest is eternal life (see D&C 14:7). That gift is to live in the presence of God the Father and His Beloved Son forever in families. Only in the highest of the kingdoms of God, the celestial, will the...
Jan 2016 Home Teaching Handout: Happiness for Those We Love

All of us want happiness for those we love, and we want as little pain for them as possible. As we read the accounts of happiness—and of pain—in the Book of Mormon, our hearts are stirred as we think of our loved ones. Here is a true account of a time of happiness: “And...
October HT Handout The Blessings of Obedience

See lesson on LDs.ORg at this link View all choices and Download at this link
June 2016 HT Our Father, Our Mentor

Link to the lesson on LDS.ORG Helpful Pages [ddownload id="12259"]
2016 Feb HT Showing our faith and trust in Heavenly Father Not long ago my wife, Harriet, and I were at an airport watching magnificent airplanes land. It was a windy day, and fierce gusts of wind whipped against the approaching aircraft, causing each one to swerve and shudder during the approach. As we observed this struggle between nature and machine, my mind went...
March 2016 HT Learn of Me
[ddownload id="10610" style="button" button="black" text="Download by clicking here"] Detail from Let the Little Children Come unto Me, by Carl Heinrich Bloch In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we are all teachers and we are all learners. To all comes this gentle invitation from our Lord: “Learn of me … and ye shall find...