Visiting Teaching Soup

Hi there!

RSsouplabelsWhen I was Relief Society president in our ward a few years back, we did a really cute thing for our VT conference.  It was based on some Visiting Teaching Soup.  We had a luncheon on Saturday where had a potluck soup lunch with rolls.  For our table decorations we made up small baskets with live pansies ( it was spring) with cheap wooden spoons sticking out of each basket at different lengths.  Our VT Coordinator spoke about VT-ing and used a large pot for an object lesson.  She said how it takes different ingredients to make a good VT-er. And added them to the pot as she spoke.  But this was all based around our darling handouts!  We bought a bunch of cheap canned soups at the grocery store, took off the labels (after writing the contents on the bottom with a permanent marker), then put on the RS labels I got from a friend. (attached)  There is three on a page, and you have to get color copies, and we also added a gold RS sticker in the center of each one.  Then we stacked them on the front table for a display before we handed them out at the end.  When it was all over, we gave the pansy arrangements to each of our VT supervisors as a “thank-you”.

Hope this helps!
Aimee Shuldberg
Tooele, UT


pdfrssouplabels.pdf1.7 MB