Mission Prep Website
My name is Alex Balinski- I live in Provo and attend BYU. We just launched http://PreparetoServe.com three weeks ago. So far you can browse about 95 mission prep videos on the home page and several hundred clean, educational videos about various countries. Over the next year we will embed 1,000s of hand-picked Youtube videos about the history, wildlife, language, tradition, etc. of each country and U.S. state where missionaries serve.
Prepare to Serve is a collaborative effort- anyone who is interested in helping index Youtube videos, sharing inspirational stories or donating mission photos can send me an email at alexbalinski ( at ) gmail.com . Also if any of you have a loved one who has a mission call, feel free to let me know where they are called to serve and I will try to put up resources for their country/state as soon as possible!
So far we have received press from KSL News Radio and LDS Living, but there are still a lot of people who don’t know about the website. We’ve been very happy to receive emails from people who are excited about the project and willing to help out! 
We are very excited for PreparetoServe.com and feel it’s something we need to do right now. Three weeks ago I quit my job to devote as much time to the website as I can. I feel it is very important to help pre-missionaries prepare to serve others the very best they can. Hopefully Prepare to Serve will be of help to some prospective missionaries and their families.
This is NOT an official site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints