Prepare & Pray

• Make a prayer list (a list of names of those who are not members and pray about each one)
• Make a list of scriptures to incorporate in every day conversations
• Pray with the missionaries to find roads to tract where people are prepared
• Pray for specific people, for specific things
• Pray every day for a month for an experience to share the gospel
• Pray for a date to have someone meet the missionaries
• Carry a prayer card with you and add names often
• Prepare a spiritual thought or scripture and share it with a nonmember
• Memorize a scripture per week to share on demand
• Pray daily to give away a copy of the Book of Mormon
• Memorize the Book of Mormon principle in the Standard Discussions
• Read the Book of Mormon every day, while looking for gospel sharing experiences
• Learn a basic First Discussion
• Say a prayer with a nonmember (meal time)
• Study and memorize the Articles of Faith, share one per week with nonmembers
• Keep a spiritual thought in an envelope everywhere you go
• Do a Book of Mormon marking activity
• “A walk through the Book of Mormon” – personalize it so people won’t think it’s just another good book
• Practice steps from Elder Jay E. Jensen: There is a God, We are mortal and fallen (we need help), no unclean thing can dwell with Him, we die, we will be resurrected, there will be a judgment, Jesus is our only hope, prophets point the way.