These great poems were written by Mimi Hancock and she has graciously let me place them on my web site for others to enjoy. If you use either of these poems, please make sure you include her name as author.

I come in a still small voice
or you could even say a whisper
I can belong to every brother
and also every sister.
And really; all you have to do
to keep me there with you
is listen to the Father and always, obey.
For, it’s then, I’ll not be far away.
I’ll be there to comfort you
when you are sad or you are blue.
It’s really hard to hear me,
I come only in a whisper
so listen ever so closely,
for it’s only then, you will hear the answer.
I am your earthly guide-
I’ll help you find the way back home,
to the Father and the Son.
Come with me dear brother
(if it is a lady getting baptized you could change that brother to sister)
our journey has just begun.
~Author Mimi Hancock

A tiny little gift is placed in your hands
A gift so small, and yet, it fills us all.
A gift given-heart to heart
will stay with you always
and all you have to do
is continue down the path
that the Father so gently laid.
A tiny little gift; to comfort, to teach, to testify.
A tiny little gift-to guide you through life.
A tiny little gift; doesn’t even have to be opened…
all you really have to do is listen.
A tiny little gift is placed in your hands
through the hands of the Priesthood;
the authority from God.
A tiny little gift; your constant companion.
A tiny little gift; your friend, your guide…
The Holy Ghost.
~Author Mimi Hancock