(I am not sure who wrote this poem it was given to me, if you know who did please let me know! Email Me)
Here a poem that I typed up on cute paper and attached to a new pair of white socks that we gave each of the children when they attended a Baptismal Fireside.
Everyone who turned 8 that year, attended and got socks.
The girls got lacey pretty socks and the boys got crew socks… They all loved them and kept them until they were baptized.
That way we weren’t really giving them “a gift” for their baptism. As stated in the handbook. It was something that fit in our budget, fit the guidelines, and was a great handout for our fireside.
“I am making some important covenants on my Baptismal day.
I’ll wear these socks to remind me that I’m choosing the right way.
As I go into the Waters of Baptism, these socks will be first to enter in.
Just as these socks are clean and white, I too will be cleansed from sin.”