By William Hartley; updated by Rebecca Todd
The Friend , August 1997

* Joseph Smith – was baptized in the Susquehanna River, May 15, 1829
* Brigham Young – was baptized in his own millpond near Mendon, New York, April 14, 1832
* John Taylor – was baptized in Black Creek in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada, May 9, 1836
* Wilford Woodruff – was baptized in an icy stream near Richland, New York, Dec. 31, 1833
* Lorenzo Snow – was baptized in the Chagrin River, which runs through Kirtland, Ohio, June 3, 1836
* Heber J. Grant- was baptized in a wagon box rigged up as an outdoor font behind Brigham Young’s school in Salt Lake City, Utah. On June 2, 1864
* George Albert Smith – was baptized in City Creek in Salt Lake City, Utah. June 6, 1878
* David O. McKay – was baptized in Spring Creek in Huntsville, Utah, September 8, 1881
* Joseph Fielding Smith – was baptized by his father , on July 19, 1884, in Salt Lake City Utah, but records do not say where. It was a hot summer day so he was probably baptized outdoors in City Creek.
* Harold B. Lee – was baptized in Bybee Pond, an old limekiln in Clifton, Idaho. June 9, 1907.
* Spencer W. Kimball – was baptized in Thatcher, Arizona, March 28, 1903, in the hog scalding tub that was also used as the family bathtub. His father stood outside the tub, which some people felt was not a correct way to baptize. To be sure that Spencer was properly baptized, he was baptized again when he was
* twelve years old, in the Union canal just a block away from his home.
Ezra Taft Benson – was baptized in the Logan River Canal near his home in Whitney, Idaho.August 4, 1907.
* Howard W. Hunter – was baptized, after finally getting permission from his father, April 4, 1920 at age twelve, in the Natatorium, a large indoor swimming complex, in Boise, Idaho.
* Gordon B. Hinckley – was baptized by his father on April 28, 1919, in a ward house baptismal font in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Of the fifteen Latter-day Saint prophets
2 – baptized in rivers
1 – baptized in an outdoor baptismal font
1 – baptized in an indoor baptismal font
1 – baptized in a stream
5 – baptized in creeks
2 – baptized in ponds
1 – baptized in a swimming pool
1 – baptized in a canal
1 – baptized in a tub and then in a canal
Though they were baptized in different places, all the prophets made the same promise we make at baptism; the promise to follow Jesus Christ. All fifteen of our prophets have kept this promise; they have followed the Savior and in time were called to be special witnesses of Him.
How can we keep the promises that we make to Heavenly Father when we are baptized?
How can we be special witnesses of Him?