A Scout is trustworthy – Subway Art

A Scout is trustworthy – Subway Art
A Scout is trustworthy - Subway Art A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. These images are sized as 8 x 10. They could make a great gift, just have printed at a photo shop, put in a frame. [ddownload id="13124"] If you would like it...

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A Scout is trustworthy Candy Bar Wrapper

A Scout is trustworthy Candy Bar Wrapper
<h3><img class=" alignright size-full wp-image-6419" style="margin: 5px; float: right;" src="/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/images_scout_photo.JPG" alt="photo" width="400" height="217" /></h3> Here is a wrapper I made to go around a 4.4 candy bar, just print on colored paper and wrapper it up! I crimp the edges to make it look more real! I give this away to boys when they get...

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Cub Scout Booklet

Cub Scout Booklet
  We have a Cub Book that we give to each boy as they enter the cub program, it is in a 3 ring white binder, we use the kind that has the plastic sheet on the front that you can put a paper in it to make the front cover, when I give it...

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Cub Scout Candy Bar Wrappers

Cub Scout Candy Bar Wrappers
An updated note from Sharlee: I hope you are doing well.  I've had several people ask me about the wrappers I've posted on your site, so in an effort to makes things a little easier(hopefully), I'm attaching an updated version of the cub-scout wrappers I sent to you a few years ago.  These are saved...

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Pocketknife Pledge

Pocketknife Pledge
I was looking through my son's bear book and saw this pledge and thought it would make a cute wallet card. It could also go in their books, or if they have a pocket knife pouch. THANKS Holly C. for sharing this! pocketknife_pledge.pdf73.17 KB  

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