Snow White And The Seven Cub Scouts
Snow White And The Seven Cub Scouts Cast: Narrator, Snow White, Seven Cubs, Wicked Queen, Prince Narrator: This is the story of Snow White and the seven Cub Scouts. Before I begin the story, I'd like to introduce the main characters. First, we have Snow White. (Boy playing Snow White enters). Whenever I read the...
How The Sun, Moon, Stars Got Into The Sky
How The Sun, Moon, Stars Got Into The Sky CHIEF: (Stands with arms folded across chest and says "Ugh" SUN: (Covers eyes with hands) MOON: (Frames face with hands and smiles) STARS: (Blink rapidly) Long, long ago the Indians had no fire and no light. They suffered much during the cold of winter and they...
How Big
How Big Characters: Den Leader, any number of Cub Scouts with presents. Setting: Den Leader is standing on stage. If desired, a decorated Christmas tree may be used as backdrop. Boys enter one at a time. First boy: Merry Christmas, Mrs. ____________. I brought you something. (Hands her a box.) Den Leader: That's very nice,...
Halloween Story
Halloween Story This can be used at a den or pack meeting. If using at the pack meeting, keep the boys in regular seats, have the boys shut their eyes tightly - PUT THEM ON THEIR HONOR - station the Den Leaders at the front of each den and the Assistant Den Leaders at the...
Fresh Fish
Fresh Fish Cast: 4 Cubs, Storekeeper Props: Sign Setting: Sign is being held up by Storekeeper. "FRESH FISH SOLD HERE" Storekeeper: (Holding sign) Boy, was this sign expensive and it took so much time getting it right. Cub #1: You don't need the word "FRESH". You wouldn't sell anything else would you??? (He tears off...
Fishing For Professions
Fishing For Professions Materials needed: Blanket, yarn, dowels, clothesline, items to be "caught", professions chart Directions: Use a blanket or a large piece of cardboard to make a screen to throw a fishing line over. Make fishing poles by using a dowel with yarn attached. Tie a clothespin on the end of the yarn. Have...
Dragon-Around Cast: Dragon (with head of boy and as many body pieces as you need for the correct number of boys in the den, finishing with a tail piece), Sir Cub Scout.Props: Cardboard brushes, sword, flames, feather (large), marshmallow or hot dog, red sock.Setting: Dragon comes on stage. Head boy sticks red-socked hand out of...
Chief Woodskunk
Chief Woodskunk COWBOY: "Yippee!"OLD PAINTBRUSH: (Whinny)CHIEF WOODSKUNK: (Make war whoop)SITTING BULL: "Hee Haw"EMMA: (Rattles stones in tin)TIMBER WOLF: "Howoooooo"SHERIFF: "Bang, bang"DEPUTY: "He went that-a-way"Once upon a time there was a COWBOY who went out into the desert, riding his horse, OLD PAINTBRUSH. Far off in the distance, he could hear the TIMBER WOLF. The COWBOY...
Chief Running-Deer
Chief Running-Deer (Character in the skit has a distinctive sound to make when the Narrator says their name during the reading of the skit. The Narrator should pause, after reading the name of each character so they can make their sound, and for audience reaction) Cowboy - "Yippee!" Old Paintbrush - Whinny Chief Running-Deer -...
Big Turkey Hunt
Big Turkey Hunt Narrator reads the story, and as each section of the audience hears the word assigned, they stand up and turn around while making their sound, and then sit down. At the word "HUNT" everyone gets up. PILGRIM: WhistleFISH: Bubble, bubbleTURKEY: Gobble, gobbleBEAR: Growl, growlDUCK: Quack, quackBEE: Bzzzzz, BzzzzzSQUIRREL: Chatter, chatterHUNT: All soundsOnce...
Any Trains Coming?
Any Trains Coming? CAST: 8 Cubs and Station MasterPROPS: Table, book, sign saying "Train Station"SETTING: Station Master is seated with a book in front of him. Cubs enter and line up in front of the table. Each time the Station Master is asked a question, he checks his book.Cub#1 Mr. Station Master, are there any...
The Family Mood
The Family Mood Stage set up like game show with a table on either side of room with 3 contestants standing behind each table. In front of one table the name "Gettingby". In front of the other table the name "Doingright". A Display board up front with top 5 answers tapped answer side down. Card...
A Trip Through Santa’s Workshop
A Trip Through Santa's Workshop NARRATOR: Say boys, we've had a special invitation from old Santa himself to come up and visit his toy shop at the North Pole. However, he told me that we must make out trip through as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the elves or the toys, but...
Writing your own skits
Writing your own skits Writing your own skits is simpler than it would first appear. First, determine what the moral of the skit will be. Then follow this simple outline to write your skit. * Boy wants something ... friendship, a gold mine, a trophy, to find something * Boy goes to get it ......
Pack Up Your Troubles
Pack Up Your Troubles I found this skit in a 1980 Pow Wow book from the Detroit Area Council. While it might be a bit dated, it is still usable today. Characters: Narrator, Doctor, Park Dent (reporter), Mrs. Smith (Mother), Mr. Smith (Father), Johnny Smith Narrator: The scene opens in a doctor's office, the time...
A Scouting Story
A Scouting Story HISTORY: "Way Back Then" - (Point with index finger) SCOUTS: "Be Prepared" - (Give Scout Sign" CUB SCOUTS: "Do Your Best" - (Give Cub Scout Sign) HIKE or HIKING: "Hi Ho, Hi Ho" CAMP or CAMPING: "I think I hear a bear!" This is a story you don't find in a HISTORY...
A Lesson For The Big Bugs
A Lesson For The Big Bugs BEES: Buzz-buzz! ANT: Hup-two-three-four FROG: Ribbit-ribbit! MOSQUITOES: Clap twice WOODS: All SOUNDS together LITTERBUGS: Pick it up! Clean it up! This is a story about Billy and his family and their adventure in the WOODS. One fine spring day, Billy's family decided it was a good day for a...
A Haunting We Will Go
A Haunting We Will Go CUB SCOUTS: "We'll do our best" WITCHES: High shrill laugh GHOSTS: "Whooooooooooooooo" BLACK CAT: "Meow" HALLOWEEN: Everyone scream On a dark and windy night in October, around HALLOWEEN, a group of CUB SCOUTS were walking along a dark country road when they came upon an old, old house. Now,...
A Great Christmas
A Great Christmas SANTA CLAUS: Hold belly and laugh "Ho, ho, ho" SNOW: Sprinkle with fingers saying "Flake, flake, flake PRESENTS: Spread arms and shout "A new bike!" GREETING CARDS: Throw up hands and say "Hang'em on the wall" MOM AND DAD: Scold with finger saying "You'd better be good" HOLIDAY DINNER: Shrug shoulders, hold...
A Genius is a This and That
A Genius is a This and That NORMAN: "Oh, my" (raise both hands) RIGHT: "This" (raise right hand) LEFT: "That" (raise left hand) THIS: "Right" (raise right hand) THAT: "Left" (raise left hand) GENIUS: (everyone clap and cheer) This is the story of NORMAN, a boy who wanted very much to be a GENIUS. But...
The Story Of A Pack
PACK "Pack, pack PARENTS "Now, now" BOBCAT "Meow, meow" WOLF "Howl, howl" BEAR "Grrr, grrr" WEBELOS "(Indian yell)" Once upon a time there was a pretty good PACK who did a lot of things and had a lot of fun. The PACK had a few new BOBCATS who had just joined the PACK with a...
The Den Leader’s Bouquet
Cast: 6 Cub Scouts Props: Bouquet of "ivy" Setting: A nature walk Cub#1: Gee fellas, I don't think Mrs. _____ is having a good time. Cub #2: Well, you didn't help things much, giving her that garter snake. Cub #3: I was just trying to help her collect stuff for out nature display at the...
Join The Cub Scouts
Join The Cub Scouts CUB SCOUT Do Your Best SCHOOL Yuck NOTICE Hear Ye MOTHER Turn the TV down! Johnny came home from SCHOOL very excited one afternoon. In his hand was a CUB SCOUT NOTICE. It was an invitation to go to a meeting at the SCHOOL that evening. Now Johnny's MOTHER was very...
Basic Elements of a Good Skit
VOLUME Boys must speak loudly, slowly and face the audience. If the audience applauds or laughs, Scouts should pause before continuing. You could pre-record all the sound effects, dialogue, music, etc. and play it back on a tape recorder. The advantage is that they can be heard. A disadvantage is that you can't react to...
Too Much Go
Too Much Go THINKAMAJIG: "Back and forth" (move hand back and forth) DOOHICKEY: "Up and down" (move hand up and down) WHATCHAMACALLIT: "In and out" (cup one hand in semi-circle & dip other hand in and back out. CONTRAPTION: all sounds at once. Ever since the beginning of time, men have been competing with each...
The Wonder Machine
Characters: Dr Know (dressed in scientist's garb) Thin boy, Fat boy (padded with pillows) Woman, Dog Setting: Dr. Know is in a laboratory with a large cardboard box (such as a refrigerator carton) which has been painted to resemble a machine with knobs, dials, etc. Back side of the box is open. Dr. Know: Ladies...
The Witch Hunt
(Take a seated position in front of the audience so they can see you> Narrate the following) Would you like to go on a witch hunt? OK, let's go! Watch me and do all the things I do and repeat after me all the things I say. Here we go!! We're going on a witch...
The Viking Voyage
VIKINGS: "Brave and Daring, Brave and Daring" THOR: "Straighten them horns, Straighten them horns" GREENLAND: "Land Ho, Land Ho" GREAT SHIP: "Watch Out, Watch Out" SAILING or SAILS: "Oh, my aching back" Long, long ago, before any of you were born, on a distant land called Norway, there lived a brave and daring group of...
The Short Runway
Cast: At least 3 Cubs (1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, narrator) passenger Props: Seats for pilot, co-pilot, passengers, and a compass Setting Cubs sitting in an "airplane", passengers make sound effects Narrator: This scene is on board a very low budget airline. Pilot: We, are we anywhere near the airport, co-pilot? Co-pilot: (Peering out the window) ...
Silly Symphony
The purpose of this game is to discover the beautiful sounds that can be created by the natural objects in our environment. Each player is given 10-15 minutes to find objects in nature that make a noise when banged together, or blown on, or rubbed together. Players bring back their "instruments" and a conductor is...
The Scouting Spirit
Cast: 7 Cub Scouts, Narrator (Den Chief in full uniform and campaign hat). Props: Bible or other religious book, 2 signs "BLUE", "GOLD", Wolf Book, "Jungle Book" (or sign), a craft project, a nature collection, a buddy burner or hobo stove, and an American flag. Narrator: I represent the spirit of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder...
The Gallant Knight
KNIGHT BLACKHEART: Booooooooooooooooo! SIR GALLANT: Hurrah! Hurrah! FAIR ELAINE: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! TRUMPET or TRUMPETER: Ta Ta Ta - Ta Ta Ta - Ta Ta Ta SWORDS: Clink - Clink - Clink HORSES: (Clap hands on knees) Once upon a time, in the day of yore, there was a bad knight named KNIGHT BLACKHEART and a...
The Fair Maiden’s Plight
KNIGHTS: "Clankety-clank" MAIDEN: "Help! Help!" MEAN KING: "Grrrrrr" DRAGON: "Roarrr" CASTLE: "Home sweet home" Back in the days of bold KNIGHTS and fair MAIDENS, there lived a MEAN KING with his daughter, who was indeed the most beautiful MAIDEN in all the land. All those who passed by their CASTLE could see this fair MAIDEN...
The Duck And Doctor Drake
The Duck And Doctor Drake DUCK: Everyone whistles DOCTOR: Everyone claps once DOCTOR DRAKE: Everyone claps twice Once upon a time there was a DUCK who had a bad lisp. so he said to himself, "I thimply mutht go thoon to thee a DOCTOR." And so the DUCK went to see DOCTOR DRAKE. "Whatth cauthing...
The Cub Knot Story
Rope: "I'm fit to be tied" Knot: Cross arms in front and say "What knot" Cub Scout: "Where's the cookies?" Den meeting: "Paint, cut, glue" For those of you who can't imagine that a ROPE can come alive, this story may be hard to believe. Once there was a four foot piece of ROPE who...
Thanksgiving Sparkler
Thanksgiving Sparkler FATHER: "When I was your age, son CUB SCOUT: "Do your best" CAR: Chuga, chuga, chuga FARMER: "Where's my horse?" TURKEY: "Gobble, gobble, gobble" Once upon a time, just before Thanksgiving, a FATHER, a mother, and a CUB SCOUT climbed into the family CAR and drove into the country. They were looking a...
Paul Bunyan, The Tall Timber Man
Paul Bunyan, The Tall Timber Man Narrator: Tonight I'm going to tell you a story about Paul Bunyan. I'd like for you to watch and listen carefully. Do everything I do. In the old logging days of the American northwest, men who cut timber sat around the campfire at night and told tall takes about...
No Skit
No Skit Scene: Stand the boys in line. Skit works best with 4-8 boys. Cub Scout 1: Oh, no! Cub Scout 2: What's the matter? Cub Scout 1: (Whispers to Cub 2. No one hears them) Cub Scout 2: Oh, no! Cub Scout 3: What's the matter? Cub Scout 2: (Whispers to Cub 3. No...
Keep America Beautiful
Setting: Flowers and grass wave gently in the breeze. Litter-bug stands at left, laughing and throwing soda can on flower, pop bottle on flower, candy wrapper on grass, etc. Flower: Oh, what hit me? My petals are bruised and crushed. Grass: You should complain! They buried me. Soda Can: You think I like being thrown...
How To Make A Thing-A-Ma-Jig
DOODADS - Clickity clack, Clickity clack DINGFORD - Whiz, bang, boom FREEDISTANT - Whoosh, whoosh HYGORICKY - Snap, crackle, pop SCATEREEKUS - All sounds together Very few families can get along without a thing-a-ma-jig. While they can be purchased already assembled in a wide range of shapes, sizes and colors, they are relatively easy to...
An American Tribute
An American Tribute CAST: Leader, 7 Cubs Leader: America is my country. How glad I am that this is my land. Prairie and forest, snow-capped peaks and mighty canyons. Cities of steel and farms with red barns. How glad I am that this is my land. My country is young, but it has a wonderful...
Animal Fair
I went to the animal fair. (walking) The birds and the bees were there. (flapping) The old baboon, (cane) By the light of the moon, (look up) Was combing his auburn hair. (comb hair) The funniest was the monk, (scratch) He sat on the elephant's trunk. (use arm as trunk) The elephant sneezed, (achoo)...