Chief Woodskunk

COWBOY:  “Yippee!”
CHIEF WOODSKUNK:  (Make war whoop)
EMMA:  (Rattles stones in tin)
TIMBER WOLF:  “Howoooooo”
SHERIFF:  “Bang, bang”
DEPUTY:  “He went that-a-way”

Once upon a time there was a COWBOY who went out into the desert, riding his horse, OLD PAINTBRUSH.  Far off in the distance, he could hear the TIMBER WOLF.  The COWBOY made camp and went fast asleep, first making sure OLD PAINTBRUSH was secure.

Now, creeping through the desert was CHIEF WOODSKUNK riding his mule, SITTING BULL.  He was pursued by the SHERIFF and his DEPUTY.  In his pocket, CHIEF WOODSKUNK had his trained rattlesnake, EMMA, who was trained to creep up and bit the COWBOY and his horse.  While CHIEF WOODSKUNK crept up, OLD PAINTBRUSH watched the camp, the TIMBER WOLF howled, the COWBOY snored, and SITTING BULL ate cactus.

In the meantime, the SHERIFF and his DEPUTY sprang their trap.  “Halt, you are my prisoner!” shouted the SHERIFF.  The COWBOY woke up and mounted his horse, OLD PAINTBRUSH, which frightened the TIMBER WOLF and EMMA.

Away went old CHIEF WOODSKUNK on his faithful mule, SITTING BULL, and after them went the SHERIFF, his DEPUTY, the COWBOY, and OLD PAINTBRUSH.  But old CHIEF WOODSKUNK led them into a blind, and that was the last anybody ever saw of the COWBOY, OLD PAINTBRUSH, EMMA the rattlesnake, the TIMBER WOLF, the mule SITTING BULL, the SHERIFF, or his DEPUTY.

– Southeastern Massachusetts Cluster Council Pow Wow 1997