A few attractive props help set the scene for an impressive ceremony. A little “showmanship” along this line show the boys and their parents that your pack really cares that they came to the meeting, and that you are prepared for it.

Many props can be made from scrap material. They need not be expensive to be impressive. The following are some basic pieces of equipment that your pack may wish to acquire.

  • A Tablecloth – A blue and gold tablecloth will add color to your head table that holds the badges and other ceremonial equipment. Make the tablecloth to fit from yellow fabric, and trim with blue binding. Or sew together old Cub Scout neckerchiefs. Washable fabric is easy to care for.
  • Electric Candles – Made from discarded electric candle-type Christmas wreathes. Run the wiring through a piece of conduit or heavy cardboard tubing for the candle part. Cover with blue or gold foil gift-wrap. Posters of the various ranks can be placed on a small easel between the candles on the head table. Change the posters to correspond with the rank being awarded.
  • Indian Headdress – Most Cubmaster’ s think the time and effort in making an Indian headdress are worthwhile.  With careful storage, a headdress will last for years. Transferring the headdress from the outgoing to the incoming Cubmaster is a beautiful act. The headdress alone, worn with the Scout uniform, is adequate, unless you wish to make other Indian costume parts.
  • Campfire – A log cabin or teepee type fire can be nailed to a plywood base and lined with yellow, orange or red cellophane. Use a small string of individual blinking Christmas lights underneath. Take care in using flameproof materials.
  • Bridge – A bridge can be built from scrap lumber, using doweling for poles and white rope to string along the top. Graduating Cub Scouts look forward to crossing the bridge to be met by the Scoutmaster of the troop they have chosen to join. it is a good idea to build the bridge so that the poles can be removed for storage.
  • Arrow of Light – Can be cut from scrap plywood, painted yellow, and mounted atop another piece of plywood for the base. Holes can be drilled to hold candles.
  • Costumes – It is impressive for the Cubmaster to wear a costume fitting the monthly theme. You won’t want to do this every month, of course, but on special occasions, such as Christmas, or themes such as Circus, Indians, or Knights, Cub Scouts will enjoy receiving their awards from Santa Claus or an Indian Chief of King Arthur.