It is important for the Den Leader to know that during the pledge of allegiance the boy’s that are in uniform are to salute the flag with the Cub Scout salute, while the boys out of uniform are to place there hand over their heart.  This is the same for the Den Leaders.  Caps and hats that are NOT part of the Cub uniform are to be removed before the pledge of allegiance.

The following is what is said and done by the Cub Scouts during the “presentation of colors” (opening flag ceremony) and the “retrieval of colors” (closing flag ceremony).

Opening Ceremony

Cubmaster: (Boy’s Name), front and center.

(Scout leaves his Den and approaches the Cubmaster. Scout salutes and Cubmaster returns salute)

Cubmaster: Prepare to present the Colors.
Scout: Will the audience please rise for the presentation of the colors.
Colorguards advance.

(Colorguards advance the flags as per diagram above. American flag should be held a little higher than the State and Pack flags. Flagbearer in front – flag guard behind. American flag crosses first followed by the State and Pack flags. As American flag approaches, the scout says:)

Cub Scout Salute.

(After the American flag passes, scout says:)


(Everyone drops their salute. When Colorguards are in position at flag standards, scout says:)

Prepare to post the colors.

(Colorguards place the end of the pole in the standard, but do not insert the pole)

Post the colors.

(Colorguards place poles in standard)

Will the audience please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Cub Scout Salute.

All: (Recite the Pledge of Allegiance)
Scout: Two.

(Salute is dropped)

Will the audience please join me in the Cub Scout Promise.

(Cub Scout Sign)

All: (Recite the Cub Scout Promise)
Scout: Will the audience please join me in the Law of the Pack.

(Cub Scout Sign)

All: (Recite the Law of the Pack)
Scout: Colorguards return to posts. The audience may be seated.

(Colorguards return to their seats. Scout turns to Cubmaster and salutes. Cubmaster returns the salute and dismisses the Scout. Scout returns to his seat)


Retrieval of the Colors

Cubmaster: (Boy’s Name), front and center.

(Scout leaves his Den and approaches the Cubmaster. Scout salutes and Cubmaster returns salute)

Cubmaster: Prepare to retrieve the Colors.
Scout: Will the audience please rise for the retrieve of the colors.
Colorguards front and center.
(Colorguards leave their den position and approach the Scout. Colorguards salute the Scout and Scout returns the salute. Then the Scout says to Colorguards:)

Prepare to retrieve the colors.

(Colorguards approach their respective flags and grasp the poles. Scout says:)

Retrieve the colors. Cub Scout salute.

(Colorguards take the colors and walk straight to the back of the auditorium. They do not cross! American flag first. When the flags are in the rear of the audience, Scout says:)


(Salute is dropped. Scout turns to Cubmaster and salutes. Cubmaster returns the salute and dismisses the Scout. Scout returns to his seat. Cubmaster ends the meeting)


The U.S. flag

Displaying the flag

flas 1

When displaying the flag in a manner other than on poles and in flag stands it is important to know the proper way to display it.  The following shows how a flag should be hung when placed on a wall or hung from a rope:

Folding the flag

flag 2 flag 3 flag 4