I came up with this scavenger hunt to use with the Faith in God booklet because I wanted the girls to know what was in it, and what they should be working on. I let them work in groups, and if they finished early, I had them write their testimony in the booklet. At the end we just brainstormed ideas about what they want to do this upcoming year. This took up the entire hour, and we ended up with some great ideas for future activities.
Deanne in Oregon (Thanks Deanne for sharing)


Faith in God Scavenger Hunt

1.Which scripture is on the front of your booklet?
2.How does Heavenly Father feel about you?
3.What does he want you to do?
4.Name 4 things Heavenly Father has given you to help you here on Earth.5.We encourage you to __________ and _________the gospel, _________others, and use the ____________Heavenly Father has given you to ____________ and do many _____________ _______________.*
6.What 3 things did you covenant to do when you were baptized?
7.What happens when you repent?

8.What happens when you keep your baptismal covenant?

9._________daily to Heavenly Father. Read the ___________regularly. Keep the ________________and live *My Gospel Standards.* Honor your ___________ and be kind to your _____________. Pay your _____________ and attend __________ settlement. Attend ____________ meetings and ______________ regularly.
10.How many articles of faith are there?

11.I will follow __________________ __________________ plan for me.

I will remember my _____________ covenant and listen to the _______ ________.

I will __________ the _______. I know I can ___________ when I make a mistake.

I will be _________ with Heavenly Father, ___________, and myself.

I will use the names of _____________ ___________ and ________ __________ reverently. I will not ____________ or use ___________ words.

I will do those things on the _____________ that will help me feel close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

I will honor my ____________ and do my part to strengthen my _____________.

I will keep my ___________ and ___________ sacred and pure, and I will not partake of things that are _______________ to me.

I will dress ________________ to show respect for Heavenly Father and myself.

I will only __________ and __________ things that are pleasing to Heavenly Father.

I will only listen to ____________ that is pleasing to Heavenly Father.

I will seek good ___________ and treat others _____________.

I will live now to be ______________ to go to the _____________ and do my part to have an _____________ family.

12.Read through *Learning and Living the Gospel* on pages 6-7, then write down 2 ideas that you would like to do in Girls Activity Day. (They can be your own ideas).
13.Read through *Serving Others* on pages 8-9, then write down 2 ideas that you would like to do in Girls Activity Day. (They can be your own ideas).
14.Read through *Developing Talents* on pages 10-11, then write down 2 ideas that you would like to do in Girls Activity Day. (They can be your own ideas).