This page has links to pages that do not fit in any other category in the Primary area, but I thought might be a help with a Primary calling. This also includes quarterly activity ideas, although quarterly activity are no longer part of the Primary Program.
- Skits and Quarterly activity ideas (Old Program not used anymore)
- Adventures of the Treasure seekers..
- Christmas Program Mary, Mary, Mary Mother of Jesus
- Book of Mormon Heroes
- Primary Skit: The Unmerciful Servant
- Family History Quarterly Activity
- Keeping a Journal (Stake Primary Activity Day ( can be used for any age))
- Primary Activity: Plan of Salvation
- A Skit that can be used in a Primary Talent Show
- Listening and Following the Prophet
- Keeping Covenants: The Stripling Warriors Skit
- Promises from Heavenly Father
- Because I am a child of God – Activity
- Following His Plan / TRAFFIC SIGNS
- David vs. Goliath Water Balloon Toss
- FHE Quarterly Activity day Ideas
- Follow in His Footsteps
- Love
- Love One Another Quarterly Activity
- Service and Missionary Quarterly Activity ideas
- Primary QT Activities from Mickey Herrin
- Book of Mormon Baseball
- Ward Primary Presidency Meeting
- Mystery Person
- General Conference Activity Days
- Primary 4: Book of Mormon Handouts and Helps
- Make your own Families are Forever pen inserts
- Primary / Birthday Mail Box
- 24 Ideas to use with a Beanbag
- You be the Doctor – Review for Primary, to practice for the 2010 primary program
- History of the CTR Ring
- Pergler’s Primary Place (great web site)
- Latter-day Prophets word search
- Interactive Book of Mormon for Children ( link to other site and costs $$)
- Gifts for Primary Children
- Testimony Bearing in Primary
- Star Coupon
- Youth Journal Booklet
Or view a little bit of what is on each page here:
Skits and Quarterly activity ideas (Old Program not used anymore)
Here are some Quarterly activity ideas although quarterly activity are no longer part of the Primary Program.
Ward Primary Presidency Meeting
11.3.2 Ward Primary Presidency Meeting The Primary presidency holds a presidency meeting regularly. The president presides at the meeting and conducts it. The secretary attends, takes notes, and keeps track of assignments. The agenda may include the following items: Plan ways to strengthen individual children and teachers in the Primary. Read and discuss scripture passages...
Mystery Person

You could call it Mystery Mom, or Mystery Dad in honor of Mother's or Father's day.Just get a picture of the "Mystery Person" (church leaders, local leaders, parents, children, teachers scripture heroes etc) Place the picture of the Mystery Person in a Page protector, then on top on the page protector cover it with the puzzle pieces. I have...
General Conference Activity Days
The Friend Magazine in October 97 has a song called "At Conference Time". The Seniors could learn it by singing all three verses with copies and memorizing the catchy chorus. The Juniors could also learn the chorus and possibly the first verse with visual aids. ---Karen We had a General Conference Activity Day before October...
Primary 4: Book of Mormon Handouts and Helps
Primary 4: Book of Mormon These links are helps and handouts shared to your from The Idea Door These links go right to the churchs web site Lesson 1 The Book of Mormon, a Gift from a Loving Heavenly Father 1–4 Lesson 2 Nephi Follows His Father, the Prophet 5–7 Lesson 3 Obtaining the...
Make your own Families are Forever pen inserts

I got this idea from Christy W. from Afton, WY, she sent me the idea to make CTR pens based off the 2012 theme. Instruction are below the files Primary pen insert 2014.pdf611.94 KB Primary pen insert 2014 black.pdf396.53 KB Primary pen insert 2014 with image.pdf1.55 MB Primary pen insert 2014 black with image.pdf1.55 MB...
Primary / Birthday Mail Box

Primary / Birthday Mail Box We found a Birthday Mail Box was great idea and the kids loved to see the flag up notifying of a birthday! We just bought a cheap white mail box and decorated it with paint. You can put a simple gift in it each week for birthday is Primary. If...
I LOVE YOU DAY "Yesterday we held our first I Love You Day. It was a tremendous success! As a presidency, we personally visited each less-active child over the last 6 months. We mailed special invitations to each child for I Love You Day. If there were siblings, each child received his/her own invite. The...
24 Ideas to use with a Beanbag
24 Ideas to use with a Beanbag 1) Tape a number on the bottom of the bag. Everyone says a number. The one closest to the number gets to say the opening prayer. Repeat to see who is the girl drink line leader, boy drink line leader and closing prayer. 2) Using an example of...
You be the Doctor – Review for Primary, to practice for the 2010 primary program
Review for Primary, to practice for the 2010 primary program I just finished up planning a fun 5th Sunday review for Primary, to practice for the 2010 primary program, called You Be the Doctor I am going to dress with a scrub top and wear a stethoscope, have the chalkboard covered with the song titles...
History of the CTR Ring
This is the information on the CTR ring that I have in my files. It is from a Deseret News article. Putting T in CTR was right choice By Jerry Johnston Desert News staff writer The first thing you notice about Norma Nichols is she doesn't wear a CTR ring. And that's a...
Pergler’s Primary Place (great web site)
This is my 13th year serving in the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over the years, I have admired sites such as for finding creative ideas to use when working with children. I will attempt to share ideas(many are a compilation of these fantastic sites)that I have accumulated...
Latter-day Prophets word search

latter day prophets cross word.pdf151.86 KB latter day prophets cross word answers.pdf115.92 KB
Interactive Book of Mormon for Children ( link to other site and costs $$)
These link leaves The Idea Door, and takes you to a Etsy shop where a someone sales these! The BEST Book of Mormon for Kids on the market! No sewing, or hours of coloring. All the hard work is done! Simply print, laminate and attach pieces (Velcro, sticky tack etc.) My Interactive Book of...
Gifts for Primary Children
Here are some ideas for different gifts for Primary age children {module Gifts for Primary Children}
Testimony Bearing in Primary

11.8.3 Testimony Bearing in Primary Parents, Primary leaders, and teachers bear simple and direct testimony when they teach, helping children learn what a testimony is and how to express a testimony. Testimony meetings are discouraged in Primary. However, parents, Primary leaders, and teachers may provide other opportunities for testimony bearing. For example, children may share...
Star Coupon

Each week or when every you want in primary, a child or a group of children are nominated by one of our teachers for something they have done, it may be they were reverent or they helped set out a classroom or for serving or showing love to another child or teacher. After church the...
Youth Journal Booklet

This is a booklet I put together for my daughter's Activity day's group, it is a booklet that has Questions in it, all they need to do is answer the questions. {phocadownload view=file|id=6818|target=s} {edocs}Primary/youth_journalbookletpdf.pdf,500,600{/edocs}