The Plan of Salvation Offers Me Peace

The Plan of Salvation Offers Me Peace

By Judy Edwards

This is the plan of salvation unto all men (Moses 6:62).

Judy Edwards, *Sharing Time: The Plan of Salvation Offers Me Peace,* Friend, Mar. 1994, 14

Where did you come from? Why are you here on earth? Where will you go when your life on earth is over? Heavenly Father answered these questions when He gave us the plan of salvation*His plan for His children:

Where did you come from? Your came from heaven, where you lived with your Heavenly Parents as a spirit child.

Why are you here on earth? You came to earth to gain a body and to show that you can keep Heavenly Father’s commandments and learn to live like Jesus.

Where will you go when your life on earth is over? You will go to a spirit world, where you will be loved. You will wait there until the time of resurrection and judgment. Jesus is the Savior and has paid for all our sins. If you have turned eight years old and become accountable, have faith, and have repented and been baptized, you will be forgiven for your sins. In heaven are three separate kingdoms, or places of glory the telestial (lowest), the terrestrial (middle), and the celestial (highest) kingdoms. If you have kept the commandments in a valiant way, you will go to the celestial kingdom to enjoy eternal life with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

When we learned in our pre-earth life about the plan of salvation, we were so excited that we shouted for joy (see Job 38:7). Because we*re here on earth, we know that we followed the first part of Heavenly Father*s plan. And we can continue to follow His plan by keeping the commandments. In this way, with the help of the Savior, we can return home to Heavenly Father and Jesus someday. Understanding the plan of salvation brings us peace.

Either of these could be used for a talk a lesson, and it can be used with the 9 FHE Lessons based on the Family Proclamation to the World


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This one is from the Friend Magazine. The Picture is just a a small look at what is in this file.


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The Picture is just a a small look at what is in this file. This one is just art work, you can use to teach the Plan of Salvation.