Each year, the Primary presidency, under the direction of the bishopric, prepares a meeting called Temple and Priesthood Preparation. The meeting is held for the boys and girls in the Valiant 10 class before the January in which they move to Young Women and Young Men. Their parents are also invited. The purpose of this meeting is to help these children understand the blessings of temple service, priesthood service, and making and keeping sacred covenants.
Possible topics for the meeting include:
Helping boys and girls understand priesthood purposes, responsibilities, ordinances, and blessings.
Helping boys strengthen their commitment to prepare to receive the priesthood.
Helping boys and girls understand their opportunities to participate in the work of salvation.
Encouraging children to prepare to receive a limited-use temple recommend when they are eligible, beginning in January of the year they turn 12, and to participate worthily in proxy baptisms as their circumstances allow.
A member of the bishopric conducts the meeting, and at least one member of the Primary presidency attends. Other leaders who may attend include members of the deacons quorum and Beehive class presidencies.
If a ward has very few children in the Valiant 10 class, the meeting may be held, under the direction of the stake presidency, with other wards or with the entire stake. According to local needs, it may be held on a Sunday evening, as part of a Primary meeting on Sunday, or at another time.
Here is a invite I put together, they are 5x7 and 4x6 images, just download them, print your info on them and then send them to the photo shop! DONE!! - Click the blue download button to go to the download area
Also check out the Aaronic Priesthood Activity, you might like for the meeting
More information from Church of Jesus Christ web site: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/callings/primary/temple-and-priesthood-preparation?lang=eng
You can order one of these for under $5.00 and have it personalized for your Temple and Priesthood Preparation meeting
Click here to go to ETSY stoore: https://www.etsy.com/listing/723390072/lds-temple-and-priesthood-preparation?ref=shop_home_active_2&frs=1

- The Primary presidency plans the meeting under the direction of the bishopric.
- A member of the bishopric conducts the meeting, and at least one member of the Primary presidency attends.
- Other leaders, including members of the deacons quorum presidency, the Beehive class presidency, and Young Men and Young Women presidencies, may also attend.
- If a ward has very few 11-year-olds, the meeting may be held, under the direction of the stake presidency, with other wards or with the entire stake.
- According to local needs, the meeting may be held on a Sunday evening, as part of a Primary meeting on Sunday, or at another time.