Fun Questions to Get to Know Someone

Often at times when we meet people, we tend to ask them the same set of boring and dull questions. Ever thought of any fun questions to get to know someone?
Here are a set of fun questions, some of which are amusing, some very creative and others, plain wacky! Take your pick…

Describe your self. What do you think about yourself and do you think people perceive you in the same way?

Which is your most favorite book ever?

Which is the one television character that you simply adore?

What is your taste in music?

Which is your favorite genre of movies ? (Comedy/ Romance/Suspense/Action/Horror)

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

What makes your angry? Do you get angry very soon? How do you overcome your anger?

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real of fictitious/ from any time period, dead or alive) , which three people would you choose and why?

Which is your most cherished childhood memory? How were you as a kid ?

If given a complete freedom to start afresh, what profession would you choose and why?

What is your idea of fun? If given a choice to skip work for a day, how would you spend the entire day?

Which is your favorite time of the day, are you a morning person or a night person?

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Name one person whom you love the most and one person whom you hate the most.

In case you and I were going out and we had a fight. How would you try to patch things up?

Which is the most funniest prank played on you or played by you?

If given a choice, which animal would you want to be? Why?

Who was your first crush? Did you ever tell him/her about your feelings?

Which is your most favorite place in this earth?

If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
An then the other typical questions, but people do like to take about there family.

Kids? If so how many? Ages?

Grand kids?

Did you go on a mission?

Are you a convert or have you been a member your whole life?