Night At the Movies – Chick Flicks”

“Night At the Movies – Chick Flicks”
Thanks to Stacy H. for sharing this great idea.
Here’s what we’re planning for our September Enrichment. Our theme is
spiritual development and we took on the idea of “Night At the Movies – Chick
THE PRINCESS DIARIES – Enrichment lesson on magnifying our callings and
accepting callings because they help us grow spiritually taught by member of Stake
Signboard description:
A call to serve is an invitation from Heavenly Father for greater spiritual
growth and developing our talents and *princess* attributes says President
XXXXX of the Stake Presidency.
this is a class on the 14 day walk with Christ.
*Most Inspirational Movie of the year*, says Sister XXXXXXX of the Relief
Society Presidency.
a family home evening plaque for the sisters to make
*Well-planned family home evenings can be a source of long-lasting joy and

Now, a fun plaque to paint and hang in your home to remind you to hold it
regularly, says Sister XXXXXX of the Midweek Committee.
provident living lesson
a great movie to teach Using *sense* in following the prophets and *sensible* food storage says Sister XXXXX, featured Provident Living expert.
101 Sabbath Day Activities Can – paint can craft that we’re covering with
cardstock and patterned paper and other embellishments, then filling with
*lots of fun activities for us to do on Sundays to keep the Sabbath Day holy* , as reviewed by Primary Children everywhere.
we spotlight 2 sisters a month so this will be their tables
Our advertising sister made a cute poster that was just the movie section
from the newspaper glued to the poster board, then she made different movie signs
for our different movies and glued on top of that, then she did the cutest
thing – she got a styrofoam ball and glued popcorn to the top of it (took an
hour) and put it into a popcorn container that you’d get from the movie theater.
She then glued the popcorn container and empty candy boxes to the poster.
It’s very cute! Had lots of great comments yesterday. We also got the
microwave popcorn buckets and put a flyer in them and empty candy boxes and set them
around the church for people to see. Our invites are going to be those
individual snack size packages of popcorn with a cute little message about “popping”
into our movie night or something to that effect.
Refreshments are going to be “movie” munchies. Popcorn, soda, red vines,
etc. One sister in the ward is borrowing an old-fashioned popcorn popper from
her in-laws to decorate with. We’re getting little white bags to put popcorn
The sisters will be met at the door by a maitre d’ who will direct them to
different “theatres”. We’ll also have a quilt set-up for those sisters who want
tosit and quilt.
That’s about all I can think of for now. Wish us luck. We’re having a hard
time motivating the sisters to come.
Stacy H.