These ideas came from Shauna DeBuck the list
Hope this helps! Look for the treats on sale after Halloween! Then pick up a bunch and save a few $$$ too! Enjoy! Shauna
To help with our Enrichment attendance we decided to try to give the Priesthood a reminder the Sunday before our Enrichment in the hopes that they will help their wife get out the door on Wednesday night. With positive feedback from treat reminders in Young Women (we did Personal Progress reminders this way), I thought we’d get a better response in Priesthood with treats than just another announcement. So, on the Sunday before Enrichment, I send a basket into the men’s opening exercises with my husband or the Bishop. The basket is filled with little Halloween size treats with a little note hot glued to it. Be warned though: the Young Men like this plan too (and their justification is “We have moms”…). I also send in treats to the Primary for the Priesthood serving there. I try to buy enough for the year when the little “fun size” treats are on sale at Halloween. Remember to do a treat for the ladies once in a while as well. Since we started this last year, we have had a lot of good turn out for Enrichment.
So here is a list of the sayings I’ve used so far:
100 Grand Send her Wednesday at 6:30 PM to RS Enrichment Night. You KNOW she’s worth it!
3 Musketeers bars The 3 MUSKETEERS are all for one and one for all-just like Relief Society! So help her join the cause by sending her to Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Any Red/White Valentine candy Roses are red Daisies are white. Send her on Wednesday To Enrichment Night! Feb 13th at 6:30 PM
Bit ‘O Honey Send your HONEY out to Enrichment night on Wednesday at 6:30 PM. We know: you’ll miss her a little BIT!
Dum Dum suckers Don’t be a Dum Dum! Send her to RS Enrichment Night this Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Fast Break bars Take a FAST BREAK and join us at our WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY Enrichment meeting this week from 5-9 PM with the lesson and light meal at 6:15 PM
Hershey’s with Almonds You must be NUTS! Of course, she needs to be there for Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Hershey’s Hugs & Kisses KISS ’em! HUG ’em! Then leave ’em for RS Enrichment Night! This Wednesday at 6:30 PM.
Hershey’s Hugs & Kisses Give her a KISS and a HUG and send her to RS Enrichment Night this Wednesday at 6:30 PM.
Jolly Ranchers She’ll be JOLLY at Enrichment, while back at the RANCH you’ll be holding down the fort! Send her to RS Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Hershey’s Kisses Here is your reminder: Send your wife to RS Enrichment Night this Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Oh, you might want to send her out with a KISS!
Hershey’s Kisses KISS the kids goodnight for her! She’s due at RS Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30. (No Nursery this time; Sorry guys.)
Hershey’s Classic Caramels RS Enrichment night fun is CLASSIC! Be sure to join us on Wednesday at 6:30 PM for yet another evening for the record books!
Hershey’s Classic Caramels She’s a CLASSIC lady so send her to RS Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Mars Bars Somebody said that Men are from MARS, but you’ll still understand: Send her to Enrichment this Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Milky Way You know she puts you over the MILKY WAY! So send her to Enrichment on Wednesday at 6:30
Hershey’s Nuggets Here’s a NUGGET of advice: Send her to RS Enrichment this Wednesday at 6:30 PM. She’ll thank you for it!
Pay Day bars It’s time for a spiritual PAY DAY for her so send her to Enrichment this Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Peppermint Patty Help your own Peppermint Patty “Get the Sensation” by sending her to Enrichment Night on Wednesday at 6:30PM
Peppermint Patty “Get the sensation” at the RS Enrichment SERVICE SWAP! Come join us on Wednesday at 6:30PM
Pull & Peel Twizzlers Do you feel PULLED & PEELED from your daily life? Then join us for another rejuvenating RS Enrichment meeting this Wednesday at 6:30 PM
S’mores Each time she joins us for Enrichment meeting she gets S’MORE & S’MORE out of it! Send her this Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Twizzlers While TWIZZLERS make your mouth happy, send her to WONDERFUL WEDNESDAY This week from 5-9 PM 5-9 PM
Whatchamacallit bars Send her out to RS this Wednesday at 6:30 PM – to, um, whatever it is called!