Here are ideas that were posted on my Facebook Page

Deanna Beamer Evans: We usually get a small pocket calendar for the new year with a directory of all of the sisters addresses, phone numbers and birthdays added.

Delene Bullard: We decided as a presidency we are going to give our R.S. sisters a new R.S. manuel that we have had bound..

Heather Means:My branch gave out copies of the Testament a couple of years ago. Another time they gave out small stockings with Jesus painted on them and a tag saying “What are you giving to Jesus this year” and the challenge to dedicate yourself to do s…ome charitable project during the year as a “Christmas gift” to Jesus.

My ward back in the states did little mini Christmas trees with different small ornaments representing different things (like a small manger thing, a star etc)

We did little laminated books of the Christmas story for Nursery once when I was helping with it.

Heather Means: When I was in YW our leaders made us journals that they covered in cloth (it was like a composition book that they made really nice covers for) and wrote us each a lovely letter. They dropped it by Christmas eve with a plate of cookies. I still make journals like that as girfts.

Nikole Davidson-Wicks: Last year our R.S. handed out LDS hymns on a cd…I was soo looking forward to hearing it, but mine was blank lol It’s the thought that counts right? 🙂

Diane Dyer: Last Christmas in RS we asked each sister to bring along a wrapped Christmas tree ornament then we put them all im a sack and everyone got to take one home

JoAnn Mello-Jarboe: I purchased the mini Christmas stockings on clearance last year, I bought all the blue ones and found some really cute gold ornaments that can be tied to the stockings. They can be stuffed with candy- or a Christmas poem, message, etc., I was released as RS President a few months ago but plan on giving them to the new RS President to use. The best part is everything was 75% off.

Tammey Rogers: Last year we received a small christmas bucket with a lid filled & a small cup inside with rock salt and a really cute saying to go with it & the Relief Society manuel to go with it. I absolutely loved it and it was used lots and lots!

Lisa Moshy Boyd: We make the RS lesson schedule into a bookmark and give it out with the new book for the year. This way the sisters can use the bookmark in their new book and always know what lesson we are on.

Lisa Russell: We received Christmas aprons one year!

Cynthia Bailey: My mom gave her RS sisters a set of little square 1 x 1 tiles that had vinyl words on them.She put a magnet on the back. Each set given had 3 tiles. Each set contained “faith”, “hope” and “charity”.

Seandra Humbert: One year we put together a ward RS recipe book (every recipe was submitted by a sister) – this took quite a bit of work (I’m the one who compiled everything and had them bound) – but the end results was great.

Another year we gave out gla…ss Christmas ornaments (clear glass ball with paint swirled inside, very pretty)

Loni Ivey: our ward did as seandras ward did with the recipie booklet. Our recipies were fun and fancy holiday recipies from our presidencys most loved holiday recipes. We also added fun traditions we the presidency did/does with our kids/families at christmas time, favorite christmas stories, etc. It was a very fun way to get those tried and true, loved recipies and getting to know each family a little better.