Music CD Gift Idea

As we had been planning our Visiting Teach Workshop, we were trying to come up with something to give our sisters, we always have our workshop at the end of the year, so we can combine a “gift” as their Christmas Gift, (not that you have to give one, but we like to) We used the song  “Miracles” from as the song that was sung, we talked about making a bookmark with the words to the song and other things, then Nancy (our Secretary) said why not just give them the song, GREAT IDEA!! So we started thinking, how nice would it be to give them a CD with some nice music on it, they give the Primary kids one, so why not one for the sisters, there are a lot of GREAT songs you can get free of charge off of the church web site, from the Hymn Book,  but we really wanted to give them the song “Miracles”, on Defordmusic web site it says:

“If you would like to copy and distribute these things on a larger scale than just family and friends… for example, classes, groups, Christmas cards… let’s see, what else have I heard of? Youth Conference attendees, Relief Society birthday gifts, Mother’s Day ward gifts… I have made available a CD of MP3 files that can be used for this purpose. The CD includes a license for unlimited copying and distribution for non-commercial purposes. It will cost you $16.99+S&H. This does a couple of things for me: it helps to pay for the production and maintenance of this site, and it offers high enough quality MP3s to produce good audio copies. The license also extends to new recordings as they become available.”
The following information is how to purchase the CD

Purchase of this CD includes a license for unlimited copying and distribution of the files contained on the disk in any audio format, provided the copies are for non-commercial use. (Copying and distribution forPX00PAURH0 profit is prohibited.) to order the CD with the music on it and obtaining a license to be able to burn her songs, click on this link! CLICK HERE TO ORDER CD (this link takes you to a different site, not run or owned by me) the CD looks like this

RSCDSo we took songs off that CD and we copied Sisters of Zion and made CD’s for our sisters, with the cost of the CD’s and the labels and the envelops to put them in, the cost for these CD’s was under a dollar each.

I just wanted to share this idea, because I think it is wonderful! If you have any questions, please email me and I’ll see if I can help!

I have had a lot of  people ask for more info about this CD, so here is more info:

The CD we bought is a CD with a ton of Sally Defords music on it. By buying the CD we also bought the right to copy as many CD’s as we want for free.
It is not a CD called Miracles, does that make since?
The songs we put on the CD are the following ones
1. Miracles
2. My Sister’s Hands
3. My Grateful Spirit Sings
4. Because He Lives
5. As Sisters in Zion Hymn  #309
6. Come Unto Christ
7. I Come to Him
8. I Will Stand As A Witness of Christ
9. In That Holy Place
10. This Is How I Know
11. A Heaven on Earth
12. Created in His Image
13. The Greatest Among Us
14. How Great is the Miracle


Just a note, I was asked if I could put together a CD with some good music for the Young Women, we did not want to break any copyright laws, so I went looking for “free” songs, of course Sally Deford has a lot, but I wanted to offer more! I found some great ones, and I am sure you can use a lot of these for a RS CD, so here is the list I found.

Songs for a Young Women songs:NOT FREE, but almost: First Sally Deford (remember to make a large amount of copies, you need to buy a license) has some great songs, you can use some of the one’s listed above, and she has a YW sections  (

LDS.ORG Seminary Music: They have a GREAT amount to chose from, you can do a whole CD just from this selection. (,17631,6611-1,00.html) They have great songs, like “The Olive Tree, Today and I will seek the Lord and many more!!!

LDS.ORG Muisc: Of course any Hymns and Primary Songs (,17932,4586-1,00.html)

Jenny Phillips: She has one song you can download for free called When We Meet Again (

Laura Jones: Has two free downloads, Anchor My Soul In Christ and Savior (

Hoffman House: They have a few to choose from:“God is With You” , “One Child at a Time” and “It Happens This Way”