Birthday Board



birthday board


birthday board close up


You can pretty much do almost anything you want, when making a birthday board. The processes is the same for any of it.

Items Needed:

1 1/2″ Hearts, stars, circles, square

1″ Hearts, stars, circles, square

Eye Hooks(86) or Ribbon

Hanger for back of bpard

Paint colors

Here are links to other one’s.


Sharpie to write with or Vinly

Paint Wood Board

Paint shapes and decorate board
Attach wooden shapes to board with glue or vinly of months
If you want to use eye hooks, you will need to use the Awl and hammer a small start hole to screw the eye hooks in the top and bottom of the 1″ hearts and bottom of the wooden board under each month heart. You can use a the needle nose pliers to help screw them in and you use the needle nose pliers to pull open the eye hooks to hook them together.
If you want to use ribbon, use the staple gun to staple the hears on each ribbon and the top of the ribbon to the back of the board, you can use the hot glue gun for this, but I was afraid the hearts might fall off over time
Write the months and the names on each heart with the Sharpie or add vinly
Add wall hanger on back